1. Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey 雙輪瓜
A slender vine; stem ridged, glabrous. Leaves membranceous, more or less symmetrical, ovate, palmately 5-7(-11) lobed with 5 primary veins, 8-15 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, acuminate to acute at the apex, broadly cordate at the base, mucronulate at the margins, glabrescent except scabrid on veins below; petioles 2-10 cm long, pubescent to glabrescent. Inflorescences 2- to 8- flowered, half staminate and half pistillate, the staminate on pedicels 1-20 mm long, the pistillate on pedicels 1-5 mm long; Flowers yellow; calyx segments narrowly lanceolate, glabrous; corolla lobes ovate, glabrescent. Fruits green with few longitudinal white stripes, becoming red with white stripes at maturity, subglobose, 15-30 mm in diameter.
Tropical Africa, India, Indochina, Malesia, southern China, Philippines, and Australia. Taiwan, throughout the island, mainly in low elevation woods and secondary forest margins. Flowering Mar-Oct.
TAIPEI: Tsuchanyuan, Lee 2029. NANTOU: Nantou, Kawakami & Inamura s. n. PINGTUNG: Mutan, Kudo & Mori 2407. TAITUNG: Yuli, Suzuki 19889. HUALIEN: Hungyeh, Koyama & Kao 14242.
Diplocyclos palmatus オキナワスズメウリ
毒瓜 Diploeyclos palmatus (Linn.) C. Jeffrey
攀援草本;根塊狀;莖纖細,疏散,有明顯的棱溝,光滑無毛。捲鬚纖細,2歧,無毛。葉柄粗糙,有棱溝,長4—6釐米,被疏散的柔毛;葉片膜質,輪廓寬卵圓形,長、寬均為8一12釐米,掌狀5深裂,中間的裂片較長,長圓狀披針形,長8—10釐米,寬2—3.5釐米,先端漸尖或鈍圓,邊緣有疏齒或呈波狀,側面的裂片較短,披針形或長圓狀披針形,邊緣有齒,基部的2裂片有時具不規則2—3淺裂,葉片基部的彎缺圓形或方形,深0.5—1.5釐米,寬2—2.5釐米,兩面粗糙,上面深綠色,背面蒼綠色,除脈上明顯被柔毛外,近無毛。雌雄同株,雌、雄花常各數朵簇生在同一葉脈。雄花:花梗細,長0.5--1.5釐米,無毛,花萼簡短,長約2毫米,寬5—6毫米,裂片開展,鑽形,長約0.5--1毫米;花冠綠黃色,徑約7毫米,裂片卵形,長2毫米,寬約O.5--1毫米,先端稍鈍,具明顯3條脈,兩面具小疣點;雄蕊3,l枚l室,2枚2室,花絲離生,極短,長1一1.5毫米,花藥卵形,長2毫米,藥室折曲。雌花:花萼和花冠與雄花相同;子房卵球形,平滑,近無毛,花柱細,上部3裂,柱頭膨大,2裂。果實近無柄,球形,不開裂,直徑14—18毫米,果皮平滑,黃綠色至紅色,並間以白色縱條紋。種子少數,卵形,褐色,兩面凸起,凸起部份厚達1一2毫米,環以隆起的環帶,長5毫米,寬3毫米,厚3.5—4毫米。 花期3—8月,果期7一12月。