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1. Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi 茅瓜

A glabrescent vine. Leaves membranceous to chartaceous, more or less symmetrical, polymorphic, ovate, trullate, lanceolate to triangular, sometimes 3-5-(7-)lobed, 4-12 cm long, 2-9 cm wide, acuminate at the apex, hastate to deeply cordate to auriculate at the base, irregularly and very shallowly denticulate at the margins, punctate-scabrous above, glabrescent beneath; petioles 5-10 mm long. Flowers yellowish white; calyx segments triangular, very tiny; corolla lobes ltriangular, 1-2 mm long. Fruits pale green to green, with longitudinal white-spotted stripes, turning red with yellowish-orange spotted stripes, oblong, 2-6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide.

India, Indo-China, Malesia, southern and south-western China. Taiwan, common on hillside, woods, and along the river-banks. Flowering Apr-Nov.

TAIPEI: Chutsuhu, Hsu 3229. ILAN: Lotung, Hiraysuka s. n. TAOYUAN: Chiaopanshan, Suzuki s. n. HSINCHU: Chutung, Simizu s. n. MIAOLI: Tahu, Cheng 132. TAICHUNG: Shaolai, Sasaki s. n. NANTOU: Chushan, Huang 4038. YUNLIN: Peikang, Sasaki s. n. CHIAYI: Neimaopu, Sasaki s. n. TAINAN: Kuantien, Morimoto s. n. KAOHSIUNG: Chishan, Chuang 4736. PINGTUNG: Neipu, Sasaki s. n. TAITUNG: Taitung, Mori s. n. HUALIEN: Hualien, Mori s. n.

India Biodiversity Portal

Solena heterophylla Lour.

Flowers of India