6. MUKIA Arn. 紅紐子屬
Perennial vines, roots tuberous, branches herbaceous; tendrils simple; leaves simple; monoecious. Flowers yellow; perianth tube elongate; calyx lobes 5, subulate; corolla actinomorphic, campanulate, lobes 5, ovate-oblong. Staminate flowers in axillary fasciculates; stamens 3, free, inserted in the perianth-tube, with short filaments, anthers oblong, one 1-locular, the others 2-locular, loculi oblong, straight; pistillodes disc-like. Pistillate flowers solitary or fasciculated, subsessile; staminodes absent or 3, subulate; ovary ovoid, 3-locular, style clavate, inserted on an annular disk, stigmas 2- or 3-lobed. Fruits globose or elipsoid berry. Seeds many, ovoid, compressed, marginate, smooth or slightly pitted.