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1. CHEILOTHECA Hook. F. 水晶蘭屬

Saprophytic perennial herbs, whitish, often fleshy, lacking chlorophyll. Stem simple, erect. Leaves alternate, scale-like. Flower solitary, terminal, nodding; calyx lobes separate, scale-like; petals 3-5, slightly longer than sepals; stamens 10, filaments linear; anthers transversely dehiscent; ovary ovoid, l-locular, placentae parietal, 5-13, style short, thick, stigma funnel-form, depressed in center. Berry nodding, ovoid-globose; seeds numerous, minute.

About 7 species chiefly in eastern and southeast Asia. Two species in Taiwan.

1. Petals inside and filaments pubescent ................................................................... C. humilis

1. Petals and filaments glabrous .................................................................... C. macrocarpital
