12. Symplocos heishanensis Hayata, 平遮那灰木
Evergreen trees. Twigs gray-violet, terete; young twigs ridged below petioles, glabrous, gray. Terminal buds subulate, glabrous, apex acute to caudate, often curved, 5-8 mm long. Leaves: blades narrowly elliptic, narrowly oblong, 6-9 mm long, (1-)1.5-3 cm wide, apex caudate with apiculate tip, base attenuate, margin slightly recurved, crenate-serrate with teeth 2-4 mm apart, usually entire near the base; both surfaces glabrous; midrib impressed above, prominent beneath; nerves 8-14 pairs, slightly prominent beneath, reticulation coarse; petioles glabrous, 5-12 mm long. Inflorescence axillary, a short-pedicelled simple raceme, (5-)10 to 30-flowered, (1-)2-5 cm long; axis and pedicels densely puberulent, pedicels 0-2 mm long; bracts orbicular to ovate, 1.5-2.5 mm long, caducous, glabrous except the base and ciliate margin, acute at apex; bracteoles 2, caducous, 1-2 mm long, glabrous except the base and on midrib outside and ciliate margin. Flowers: calyx tube glabrous, 1.5-2 mm long, limb ca. 1 mm long, lobes imbricate ovate, obtuse at apex, glabrous except ciliate margin; corolla white, 4.5-6 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes elliptic; stamens 25-35; disk glabrous, annular to pulvinate; style glabrous, 3-4 mm long. Fruits narrowly ellipsoid, 5-7 mm long, 2-3 mm in diameter, crowned by persistent calyx lobes; stone ellipsoid, smooth; seed 1, straight, with straight embryo.
Distributed in Taiwan, S. China and Indo-china; in Taiwan 1,000-2,600 m altitude.
TAIPEI: Mt. Ayi, Urai, Yii et al. s. n.; Babo Taboku, Taranan, Bunzan-gun, 1460 m, Suzuki ST17926. HSINCHU: Chutong, 7000 , Fukuyama 3009; Chungtung logging station, Liu et al. 1448; Mt. Yura, Sasaki s. n. MIAOLI: Tapachien-shen, 2500 m, Liau 215. TAICHUNG: Lishan, Kao 4606; Anmashan, 2300 m, Liu et al. s. n.; Mt. Tashe-shan, Wang s. n.; Pahsien-shan, Suzuki 194. NANTOU: Alishan, Sato 178; Baibara, Saito s. n. KAOHSIUNG: Santeimon, Chimoto, Sasaki s. n. PINGTUNG: Buizan, Matuda s. n. ILAN: Chilanshan, Kuo 8195. HUALIEN: Pilu, Pilichi, 1500 m, Lu 23905. TAITUNG: Mt. Seikoo, 3500 Yamamoto 2305, 2308; Chinshuiying, 1200-1450 m, Simizu 3671, 3815.
The closest ally of this species is S.prunifolia in Japan, but in the latter species, the bracts much larger.
光頂山礬組 Sect. Lodhra G. Don.
海桐山礬 Symplocos heishanensis Hayata
乔木;嫩枝深褐色;小枝黑色,芽被细柔毛。叶革质,干后榄绿色,叶面有光泽,狭椭圆形或倒披针状椭圆形,长6-12厘米,宽2.5-4厘米,先端尾状渐尖,基部楔形,全缘或有波状齿;中脉在叶面凹下,侧脉每边8-14条,与稀疏的网脉在近叶缘处网结。叶柄长5-15毫米。总状花序单生于叶腋,长3-6厘米,被细柔毛;苞片和小苞片背面被微柔毛,宿存,苞片半圆形,小苞片宽卵形,背面有中肋;花萼长约1.5毫米,裂片半圆形,有微柔毛和缘毛,稍长于萼筒,萼筒无毛;花冠白色,长约3毫米,5深裂至近基部;雄蕊25-35枚,花丝基部稍联生;花盘环状,无毛。核果圆柱状狭卵形,基部稍偏斜,长6-7毫米,宽2-3毫米,熟时紫黑色,顶端宿萼裂片直立;果柄粗壮,长1-2毫米。花期2-5月, 果期6-9月。