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23. Symplocos sonoharae Koidz. var. sonoharae 南嶺灰木

常綠喬木。葉革質,橢圓形,偶倒卵形,長5-9 cm,寬2-4 cm,先端鈍至漸尖,全緣或腺狀圓鋸齒緣;兩面光滑,側脈5-8對;葉柄光滑或疏被短毛。花1至數朵成短總狀花序。果橢圓形,黑色。

22. Symplocos sonoharae Koidz. 南嶺灰木

Evergreen trees; bark gray-brown, smooth. Twigs grayish dark brown, terete; young twigs brown, sparsely appressed hairy, glabrescent, ridged below petioles. Terminal buds white to pale brown, obliquely ovoid, acute at apex, densely appressed hairy, 1-3 mm long. Leaves: blades coriaceous, elliptic, sometimes obovate, brown to dark brown when dry, (5-)6-9 cm long, (2-)2.5-4 cm wide; apex obtuse to acuminate; base cuneate to (shortly) attenuate; margin slightly recurved, entire or glandular crenate-serrate with teeth 5-10 mm apart; both surfaces glabrous; midrib impressed above, prominent beneath; nerves 5-8 -paired, slightly prominent beneath; reticulation obscure; petioles glabrous or sparsely hairy, narrowly winged, sulcate above, 7-15 mm long. Inflorescence an axillary short raceme, 1 to 5-flowered, to 1 cm long, axis and pedicels with dense appressed white hairs; pedicels to 3 mm long; bracts and bracteoles persistent, with same indument as inflorescence axis; bracts elliptic to ovate, obtuse to acute at apex, 1-2 mm long; bracteoles 2, ovate, acute at apex, 0.5-1 mm long. Flowers: calyx appressed hairy; calyx tube about 2 mm high; calyx limb 1-1.5 mm long; calyx lobes imbricate, transversely elliptic, rounded or truncate at apex, ciliate, about 0.5 mm long; corolla white, trumpet-shaped, 6-8(-10) mm long, glabrous or slightly hairy or papillose, 5-lobed, the lobes spreading, obovate to spathulate, margin papillate or ciliate; corolla tube 2-3(-5) mm long; stamens monadelphous, 30-50 in number, about 5 mm long; staminal tube adnate to corolla tube, inside glabrous, free part 1-2.5 mm long, filaments flattened, abruptly narrowed at apex forming a short whip, papillose; disk cylindrical, 0.5-1 mm long, tomentose; style papillose, glabrous, 4-6(-8) mm long; ovary semi-inferior, 2-locular with 4 ovules in each locule. Fruits black, ellipsoidal, sparsely pilose, 6-9 mm long 3-5 mm in diameter, crowned by persistent calyx lobes, only 1 locule developed; stones obliquely ellipsoidal, smooth, with 2 lengthwise grooves, about 6 mm long 3 mm in diameter; mesocarp and endocarp thin; seeds 1, straight or slightly curved with straight embryo.

Distributed in the Ryukyus and Taiwan; in Taiwan, 400-2,600 m altitude in forest.

TAIPEI: Tiirokkuzan, Bunzan, Suzuki ST14316; Habun, Kosizan, Bunzan, Suzuki ST18482; Wulai, Liou 661. ILAN: Ming-chih, 1000 m, Lu 24233. TAOYUAN: Mt. Nanchaten-shan, Sasaki s. n.; Tungyenshan, 1270 m, Lu s. n. NANTOU: Mt. Niitaka, 7000-8000', Kawakami & Mori 1785, 2006; Rarirari-sha, Nakahara 469; Mt. Feng-shan, Chitou, 1600 m, Yamazaki 149. CHIAYI: Alishan - Fengshan, 2250 m, Wang 313.KAOHSIUNG: Daizyurinzan, Matuda 12-19; Santeimon - Chippon, Sasaki s. n. PINGTUNG: Wutaishan, 1900 m, Liu 353. TAITUNG: Matuyama, Tipon-goe, Suzuki 11088; Chinshuiying, Simizu 3781. HUALIEN: Mt. Kiraishu, Kanehira & Sasaki s. n. This species is very similar to S. confusa Brand widely distributed in SE Asia, but in the latter, the base of style swollen and the shape of fruit is also different.

山矾亚属 Subg. Symplocos

南岭山矾 Symplocos confusa Brand

常绿小乔木;芽、花序、苞片及萼均被灰色或灰黄色柔毛。叶近革质,椭圆形、倒卵状椭圆形或卵形,长5-12厘米,宽2-4.5厘米,先端急尖或短渐尖而尖头钝,全缘或具疏圆齿;中脉在叶面凹下,侧脉每边5-9条;叶柄长1-2厘米。总状花序长1-4.5厘米;花梗长3-5毫米;苞片长圆状卵形,顶端圆,长1.5-2毫米,小苞片狭卵形,顶端尖,长1-1.2毫米;花萼钟形,长2.2-3.2毫米,顶端有5浅圆齿;花冠白色,长4.5-7毫米,5深裂至中部,冠筒长约2毫米,雄蕊40-50枚,花丝粗而扁平,有细锯齿,基部联合,着生在花冠喉部;子房2室,花盘环状,有细柔毛,花柱长约5毫米,粗壮,圆柱形,疏被细柔毛,柱头半球形。核果卵形,顶端圆,长4-5毫米,外面被柔毛,顶端宿萼裂片直立或内倾。花期6-8月,果期9-11月。 产台湾、福建、浙江、江西、湖南、广东、广西、贵州、云南。生于海拔500-1600米的溪边、路旁、石山或山坡阔叶林中。越南也有分布。

41. Symplocos pendula Wight 吊钟山矾

Shrubs or trees. Young branches glabrous, sparsely appressed fine hairy, or rarely rusty tomentose. Petiole 1--2 cm; leaf blade elliptic, obovate-elliptic, ovate, or sometimes orbicular, 2.5--12.5 X 1--6 cm, subleathery, base cuneate to rounded, margin entire or sparsely crenate, apex mucronate-acuminate to acute, lateral veins 4--11 pairs. Racemes 1--4.5 cm; bracts oblong-ovate, 1--2 mm, apex obtuse; bractlets narrowly ovate, 1--1.2 mm, apex acute. Pedicel 3--6 mm. Calyx together with ovary campanulate, together 3--5 mm; lobes very short and rounded. Corolla tubular trumpet-shaped, 0.5--1.7 cm, lobes 5 and as long as tube. Stamens many; filaments connate into a tube which is adnate to corolla tube except for apical 3--5 mm; stamen tube glabrous or hairy inside; free part of filaments fleshy, 1--3.5 X ca. 1 mm, constricted at apex into a short filiform part; anthers 30--80, inserted at various heights within stamen tube. Ovary ca. 1.5 mm, semi-inferior with superior part subhemispheric, densely grayish hairy, 2-locular. Drupes spindle shaped, 10--15 X 3--6 mm, pubescent, apex with persistent erect calyx lobes. Fl. Jun-Aug.

灌木或乔木 无毛的幼枝,有毛的疏生贴伏细,或很少锈色绒毛。 叶柄1-2厘米; 叶片椭圆形,倒卵状椭圆形,卵形,或者有时圆形, 总状花序1-4.5厘米; 长圆状卵形的苞片,1-2毫米,先端钝; 小苞片狭卵形,1-1.2毫米,先端锐尖。 钟状的Pedicel 3-6毫米花萼以及卵巢,一同3-5毫米; 裂片非常短和圆形。 花冠管状喇叭状,0.5-1.7厘米,裂片5和倍于筒部。 雄蕊很多; 除了顶端的3-5毫米的是贴生于花冠筒的花丝合生成筒; 在里面的雄蕊筒部无毛或有毛; 肉质的花丝,1-3.5 X约1毫米,丝状深裂的缢缩的在先端成为一短的离生部分; 花药30-80,在雄蕊筒部内在各种各样高度着生。 子房约1.5毫米,深裂的上位的半下位具,浓密浅灰色有毛,2室。 核果纺锤形,10-15 X 3-6毫米,短柔毛,先端具宿存的直立萼裂片。 花期 6-8月。

1 Ovary and calyx outside glabrous

子房和花萼外面无毛 41a var. pendula

+ Ovary and calyx outside short tomentose

在被绒毛短外边的子房和花萼 41b var. hirtistylis
