23. Symplocos stellaris Brand, Bot. Jahrb. 29: 528. 1900; Noot., Fl. Taiwan 4: 129. 1978; Y. F. Wu, Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 60(2): 64. 1987; R. F. Wu & Noot., Fl. China 15: 250. 枇杷葉灰木
Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Twigs dark brown, terete, the pith regularly lamellate; young twigs thick, grayish, red-brown tomentose and soon glabrescent, ridged below petioles. Terminal buds ovoid to obliquely ovoid, red-brown tomentose, 5-7 mm long. Leaves: blades coriaceous, narrowly elliptic, narrowly oblong or narrowly obovate, 8-15(-22) cm long, (2-)2.5-5(-6) cm wide; apex acute to short acuminate; base cuneate to short attenuate, rarely rounded; margin (often much) recurved, entire but often distally with glandular teeth; upper surface shining, glabrous; lower surface glaucous, glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy on midrib; midrib impressed on upper surface but often slightly prominent near base, very prominent on lower surface; nerves 7-16 pairs, impressed on upper surface, slightly prominent on lower surface; reticulation obscure on lower surface; petioles glabrous or sparsely hairy, adaxially sulcate, 10-40 mm long. Inflorescence a condensed spike, on twigs and/or from axils of leaves; bracts orbicular to widely ovate, 2-4 mm long, apex obtuse, abruptly acute, sometimes with few glandular teeth on distal margin; bracteoles 2, obliquely oblong to obliquely ovate, (1.5-)2-3 mm long, apex rounded; both persistent, inside glabrous, outside rusty tomentose, margin ciliate. Flowers: calyx tube glabrous, about 1 mm high; calyx limb 1.5-2 mm long; calyx lobes ovate, 1-1.5(-2) mm long, rusty tomentose, margin ciliate; corolla white, 7-9 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes elliptic, ciliate on distal margin; corolla tube 1.5-2 mm long; stamens 20-40, pentadelphous; disk cylindrical, glabrous, 0.5-1 mm high; style glabrous 9-13 mm long; ovary 3-locular, with 4 ovules in each locule. Fruits bluish black, narrowly ovoid, often slightly curved, 7-10 mm by 3-5 mm excluding persistent calyx lobes; stones narrowly ovoid, with 10 lengthwise grooves; mesocarp thin; endocarp woody; seed 1, straight, with straight embryo.
Distributed in the Ryukyus, Taiwan and S. China; in Taiwan 600-2,500 m altitude.
TAIPEI: Urai, Loa 215. ILAN: Peihenggonglu 71-74K, Yang s. n. HSINCHU: Luchuangtashan, Fukuyama 3381. MIAOLI: Compartment 133, Kuo & Kao 473. TAICHUNG: Hassensan, Iida et al. s. n.; Chikashanchuang, Chiu 1984; Wuling Farm to Chikasanchuang, Hsu 655. NANTOU: Chitou, Yamazaki & Yamazaki 150; Renluan logging track, Lu 15896; Meifeng Farm, Leu 456. CHIAYI: Alishan, Hayata s. n., U. Faurie 178, Kokawa 82, Satow 202, Chen 4029. KAOHSIUNG: Qishan, K. Mori; Maolingshan, Chen 109. PINGTUNG: Kenting, Izumi & Togashi. HUALIEN: Chungyangchienshan, Suzuki & Fukuyama ST17833; Taipingshan, Suzuki 1033, 4000.
團傘組Sect. Glomeratae YF Wu
老鼠矢 Symplocos stellaris Brand
常綠喬木,小枝粗,髓心中空,具橫隔;芽、嫩枝、嫩葉柄、苞片和小苞片均被紅褐色絨毛。 葉厚革質,葉面有光澤,葉背粉褐色,披針狀橢圓形或狹長圓狀橢圓形,長6-20厘米,寬2-5厘米,先端急尖或短漸尖,基部闊楔形或圓,通常全緣,很少有細齒;中脈在葉面凹下,在葉背明顯凸起,側脈每邊9-15條,側脈和網脈在葉面均凹下,在葉背不明顯;葉柄有縱溝,長1.5-2.5厘米。 團繖花序著生於二年生枝的葉痕之上;苞片圓形,直徑3-4毫米,有緣毛;花萼長約3毫米,裂片半圓形,長不到1毫米,有長緣毛;花冠白色,長7-8毫米,5深裂幾達基部,裂片橢圓形,頂端有緣毛,雄蕊18-25枚,花絲基部合生成5束;花盤圓柱形,無毛;子房3室;核果狹卵狀圓柱形,長約1厘米,頂端宿萼裂片直立;核具6-8條縱棱。 花期4-5月,果期6月。
產長江以南及台灣各省區。 生於海拔1100米的山地、路旁、疏林中。 模式標本採自四川南川。