26. Symplocos wikstroemiifolia Hayata 月桂葉灰木
Evergreen shrubs or trees, (andro-)dioecious. Twigs grayish brown, terete; young twigs soon turning to grayish brown, minutely appressed hairy, soon glabrescent, ridged below petioles. Leaves clustered at the end of branch; blades narrowly obovate or obovate, 4-15 cm, 1-4 cm wide, apex shortly caudate with blunt and also apiculate tip, base attenuate, marign slightly recurved, almost entire or crenulate with teeth 1-6 mm aprat; upper surface lustrous green, glabrous; lower surface somewhat glaucous, sparsely minutely appressed hairy; midrib usually prominent above at least at the base of blade, usually flat or impressed at distal part, very prominent beneath; nerves 8-10 pairs, meeting in an intramarginal vein, slightly prominent beneath; petioles minutely appressed hairy or glabrescent, 3-10 mm long. Inflorescence on twigs and/or from the axils of leaves, densely paniculate on male plants and racemose in female plants; axis appressed hairy, to 2 cm long; bracts caducous, ovate to elliptic, apex glandular, acute or obtuse, keeled, 1.5-2.5 mm long, adaxially glabrous, abaxially densely appressed hairy, margin ciliate; bracteoles 2, caducous, ovate to triangular, folded and keeled, apex glandular, acuminate, appressed hairy along the midrib, margin ciliate; pedicels to 2 mm long. Staminate flowers: calyx tube 0.5-0.8 mm high, glabrous or sparsely minute hairy;calyx limb ca. 1 mm long; lobes imbricate, ovate or widely ovate, apex obtuse, glabrous or minutely appressed hairy; corolla 2.5-3 mm long, deeply 5-lobed; lobes elliptic; stamens 15-20; disk glabrous, pulvinate; style lacking. Bisexual (female) flowers: calyx tube 1-1.5 mm high, glabrous or sparsely minute hairy; calyx limb ca. 1 mm long; lobes imbricate, ovate, obtuse at apex, ciliate, glabrous or sparsely with minute appressed hairs; corolla ca. 2.5 mm long, deeply 5-lobed; stamens usually 5, alternipetalous, but often abnormally developed; disk annular, glabrous or with minute hairs; style glabrous, ca. 1.5 mm long; ovary 3-locular. Fruits ovoid, 7-10 mm long, 4-6 mm in diameter; stone smooth; endocarp woody; seed 1, longitudinally curved, with similarly curved embryo.
Distributed in Taiwan, S. China, Indo-china and Malay Peninsula; in Taiwan 900-2,000 m in the northeastern part.
TAIPEI: Togokei, Agyoku, Simizu 2755; Mt. Peichaten-shan, 1400-1727 m, Li 3551, 3552, Lu 17327. ILAN: Mt. Taiping-shan, Suzuki 233, 963, 3816, 3999; Tayenshan, 950-1100 m, Kao K3223; Yuanianghu, 2000 m, Lu 2885. HUALIEN: Taroko, Sasaki s. n. TAITUNG: Mt. Shinkang-shan, Yamamoto 1026; Mt. Seikoo, Yamamoto 2304; Chinshuiying, Kanehira s. n.
- Shrub 1½ rn, or tree to 20 m. Leaves often only towards the end of the twigs, minutely sparsely appressedly fine hairy beneath, acuminate, with cuneate base and nearly entire margin, (narrowly) elliptic to obovate, 6-15½ by 1¾-4½ cm; Flowers in an often branched spike from the axils of the leaves, the lower ones from wood. Flowers ♂ or, probably all flowers on one plant alike. Stamens 15-20 in ♂ flowers, 5, alterni-petalous, in flowers (observed once). Ovary glabrous or finely appressedly short hairy, ½ mm high in ♂, l-l½ mm in flowers; Fruit ovoid, or slightly constricted towards the apex, 10-12 by 6-8 mm. Seed 1, curved, with curved embryo.
古山矾组 Sect. Palaeosymplocos Brand
微毛山礬 Symplocos wikstroemiifolia Hayata
灌木或乔木;嫩枝、叶背和叶柄均被紧贴的细毛。叶纸质或薄革质,椭圆形,阔倒披针形或倒卵形,长4-12厘米,宽1.5-4厘米,先端短渐尖、急尖或圆钝,基部狭楔形,下延至叶柄,全缘或有不明显的波状浅锯齿;中脉在叶面微凸起或平坦,侧脉每边6-10条,在近叶缘处分叉网结;叶柄长4-7毫米。总状花序长1-2厘米,有分枝,上部的花无柄,花序轴、苞片和小苞片均被短柔毛;苞片长圆形或圆形,长1.2-2毫米,有缘毛;花萼长约2毫米,裂片阔卵形或近圆形,有缘毛,与萼筒等长或稍长于萼筒,萼筒无毛;花冠长约3毫米,5深裂几达基部,裂片倒卵状长圆形;雄蕊15-20枚,花盘环状,被疏柔毛或近无毛,花柱短于花冠。核果卵圆形,长5-10毫米,顶端宿萼裂片直立,熟时黑色或黑紫色。 产云南、贵州、湖南、广西、广东(海南)、福建、台湾、浙江。生于海拔900-2500米的密林中。模式标本采自台湾。