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唇形科  シソ科 LabiataeLamiaceae


鳞果草属 Achyrospermum

尖头花属 Acrocephalus

藿香屬 藿香属 Agastache

筋骨草屬 筋骨草属 Ajuga

菱叶元宝草属 Alajja

水棘针属 Amethystea

排香草属 Anisochilus

金劍草屬 广防风属 Anisomeles

小冠薰屬 小冠熏属 Basilicum

药水苏属 Betonica

毛藥花屬 毛药花属 Bostrychanthera

新风轮菜属 Calamintha

紫珠屬 紫珠属 Callicarpa

蕕屬 莸属 Caryopteris

角花属 Ceratanthus

鬃尾草属 Chaiturus

矮刺苏属 Chamaesphacos

长蕊草属 Changruicaoia

铃子香属 Chelonopsis

肾茶属 Clerodendranthus

海州常山屬 大青属 Clerodendrum

風輪菜屬 风轮菜属 Clinopodium

羽萼木属 Colebrookea

小鞘蕊花屬 鞘蕊花属 鞘蕊花屬 Coleus

偏穗花屬 CollinsoniaKeiskea

火把花属 Colquhounia

綿穗蘇屬 绵穗苏属 Comanthosphace

絨苞藤屬 绒苞藤属 Congea

簇序草属 Craniotome

歧伞花属 Cymaria

青兰属 Dracocephalum

水蜡烛属 Dysophylla

香薷屬 香薷属 Elsholtzia

沙穗属 Eremostachys

绵参属 Eriophyton

宽管花属 Eurysolen

薯果藤屬 Faradaya

小野芝麻属 Galeobdolon

鼬瓣花属 Galeopsis

辣莸属 Garrettia

网萼木属 Geniosporum

金錢薄荷屬 活血丹属 Glechoma

石梓屬 石梓属 Gmelina

錐花屬 锥花属 Gomphostemma

四轮香属 Hanceola

异野芝麻属 Heterolamium

冬紅屬 Holmskioldia

全唇花属 Holocheila

膜藻藤属 Hymenopyramis

香苦草屬 山香属 Hyptis

神香草属 Hyssopus

香茶菜屬 香茶菜属 Isodon

香简草属 Keiskea

动蕊花属 Kinostemon

兔唇花属 Lagochilus

夏至草属 Lagopsis

扁柄草属 Lallemantia

独一味属 Lamiophlomis

野芝麻屬 野芝麻属 Lamium

薰衣草属 Lavandula

益母草屬 益母草属 Leonurus

白花草屬 绣球防风属 Leucas

米团花属 Leucosceptrum

扭藿香属 Lophanthus

斜萼草属 Loxocalyx

地筍屬 地笋属 Lycopus

扭连钱属 Marmoritis

欧夏至草属 Marrubium

龙头草属 Meehania

蜜蜂花屬 蜜蜂花属 Melissa

薄荷屬 薄荷属 Mentha

凉粉草属 Mesona

箭叶水苏属 Metastachydium

姜味草属 Micromeria

冠唇花属 Microtoena

美国薄荷属 Monarda

乾汗草屬 石荠苎属 Mosla

荆芥属 Nepeta

龙船草属 Nosema

钩萼属 Notochaete

羅勒屬 罗勒属 Ocimum

喜雨草属 Ombrocharis

野薄荷屬 牛至属 Origanum

貓鬚草屬 鸡脚参属 Orthosiphon

脓疮草属 Panzerina

假野芝麻属 Paralamium

假糙蘇屬 假糙苏属 Paraphlomis

紫蘇屬 紫苏属 Perilla

分药花属 Perovskia

糙苏属 Phlomis

頂頭花屬 Platostoma

延命草屬 马刺花属 Plectranthus

刺蕊草屬 刺蕊草属 Pogostemon

魚臭木屬 豆腐柴属 Premna

夏枯草屬 夏枯草属 Prunella

迷迭香屬 迷迭香属 Rosmarinus

钩子木属 Rostrinucula

藍蝴蝶屬 Rotheca

野藿香屬 掌叶石蚕属 Rubiteucris

鼠尾草屬 鼠尾草属 Salvia

四棱草属 Schnabelia

黃芩屬 黄芩属 Scutellaria

毒马草属 Sideritis

筒冠花属 Siphocranion

子宫草属 Skapanthus

楔翅藤屬 楔翅藤属 Sphenodesme

假水苏属 Stachyopsis

水蘇屬 水苏属 Stachys

鈴木草屬 台钱草属 Suzukia

六苞藤属 Symphorema

柚木屬 柚木属 Tectona

香科科屬 香科科属 Teucrium

百里香属 Thymus

假紫珠属 Tsoongia

牡荊屬 牡荆属 Vitex

保亭花属 Wenchengia

新塔花属 Ziziphora

Lamiaceae Reference

  1. Bean, A. R. 2018 A conspectus of Teucrium (Lamiaceae) in Queensland Muelleria 37: 3-8
  2. Bendiksby, Mika, Lisbeth Thorbek, Anne-Cathrine Scheen, Charlotte Lindqvist and Olof Ryding 2011 An updated phylogeny and classification of Lamiaceae subfamily Lamiodeae Taxon 60 (2):471-484
  3. Bendiksby, Mika, Anne K. Brysting, Lisbeth Thorbek, Galina Gussarova and Olof Ryding 2011 Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Lamium L. (Lamiaceae): Disentangling origins of presumed allotetraploids Taxon 60 (4):986-1000
  4. Barrabé, Laure, Sébastien Lavergne,Giliane Karnadi-Abdelkader, Bryan T. Drew, Philippe Birnbaum and Gildas Gâteblé 2019 Changing Ecological Opportunities Facilitated the Explosive Diversification of New Caledonian Oxera (Lamiaceae) Syst. Biol. 68 (3):460–481
  5. Cantino, Philip D., Steven J. Wagstaff and Richard G. Olmstead 1999 Caryopteris (Lamiaceae) and the Conflict between Phylogenetic and Pragmatic Considerations in Botanical Nomenclature Systematic Botany 23: 369-386
  6. Chen, S.-H. and M.-J. Wu. 2005. Notes on three newly naturalized plants in Taiwan. Taiwania 50: 29-39. / Chloris divaricata var. cynodontoidesBoerhavia coccinea and Hyptis pectinata
  7. De Kok, R. P. J. and D. J. Mabberley 1999 The genus Faradaya (Labiatae) BLUMEA 44: 321-342
  8. Dırmenci, Tuncay, Ekrem Dündar, Görkem Denız, Turan Arabaci, Esra Martin and Ziba Jamzad 2010 Morphological, karyological and phylogenetic evaluation of Cyclotrichium: a piece in the tribe Mentheae puzzle Turk. J. Bot. 34(3) 159-170
  9. Hassan, T., G. H. Dar and A. A. Khuroo 2011 Taxonomic status of genus Nepeta L. (Lamiaceae) in Kashmir Himalaya, India Iran. J. Bot. 17 (2): 181-188
  10. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin, Tseng-Chieng Huang 1995 Notes on the flora of Taiwan (19)- Paraphlomis formosana (Hay.) Hsieh & Huang, Ccomb. Nov. (Lamiaceae) Taiwania 40:13-19
  11. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin Tseng-Chieng Huang 1995 Notes on the flora of Taiwan (22) -- The Genus Ajuga L. (Lamiaceae) Taiwania 40:157-172
  12. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin and Tseng-Chieng Huang 1996 Notes on the flora of Taiwan (23) — The Genus Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae) Taiwania 41:81-90
  13. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin and Tseng-Chieng Huang 1998 Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (32) — Miscellaneous notes on Lamiaceae of Taiwan Taiwania 43:38-58
  14. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin and Tseng-Chieng Huang 1998 Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (33)-Revision on the genus Clinopodium L. in Taiwan Taiwania 43:108-115
  15. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin and Tseng-Chieng Huang 1999 Revision of Mosla (Lamiaceae) in Taiwan Taiwania 44:72-81
  16. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin 2000 Suzukia Kudo (Lamiaceae) in Taiwan Taiwania 45(3): 217-225
  17. Huang, Tseng-Chieng and Jiunn-Tzong Wu 1975 A Revision of Formosan Salvia Taiwania 20(1):213-228
  18. Huang, Tsurng-Juhn, Yi-Yen Chen, Kuo-Hsiung wang, Tsung-Hsin Hsien and Chang-Hung Chou 2009 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Ajuga taiwanensis Nakai ex Murata using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA) Bot. Stud. 50 21-24
  19. Jung, Ming-Jer, Gwo-Ing Liao and Chang-Sheng Kuoh 2006. Notes on Four Alien Plants in Taiwan Taiwania, 51(4): 308-316 / Arthraxon lancifoliusLamium hybridumMatricaria matricarioides and Thlaspi arvense
  20. Jung, Ming-Jer, Ming-Jou Wu, Shih-Wen Chung 2009 Three Newly Naturalized Plants in Taiwan Taiwania 54(4) 391-398 / Hypochaeris microcephala var. albifloraIndigofera pseudo-tinctoriaLamium purpureum
  21. Jung, Ming-Jer and Yui-Ching Kao 2013 Three new-naturalized plants in Taiwan Taiwania 58 (1): 61-66 / Clinopodium browneiNeptunia pubescensPraxelis pauciflora
  22. Keng, H. 1969 Flora Malesianae Precursores XLVIII. A Revision of Malesian Labiatae Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 24: 13 - 180
  23. Kahraman, Ahmet, Ferhat Celep and Musa Dogan 2009 Morphology, Anatomy and Palynology of Salvia indica L. (Labiatae) World Applied Sciences Journal 6 (2): 289-296
  24. Khanam, Mahbuba, Alastair Culham, Syed Z. Husain, Syeda S. Tahir 1994 Numerical-Analysis of the Genus Pogostemon Desf (Lamiaceae) Pak. J. Bot. 26(1) 57-62
  25. Kumari, D. Santha 1986 Evolution of floral nectary in Lamiaceae Proc. lndian Aead. Sck (Plant Sei,) 96 (4): 281-288
  26. Li, Bo Philip D. Cantino, Richard G. Olmstead, Gemma L. C. Bramley, Chun-Lei Xiang, Zhong-Hui Ma, Yun-Hong Tan & Dian-Xiang Zhang 2016 A large-scale chloroplast phylogeny of the Lamiaceae sheds new light on its subfamilial classification Sci. Rep. 6 34343
  27. Makino, T. 1912 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p. 158.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 26 (306) 172-184
  28. Makino, Tomitaro 1915 Two New Genera Matsumurella Makino and Ajugoides Makino Bot. Mag. Tokyo 29 (346): 279-283
  29. Mokni, El, R., M. Kasri and M. H. El Aouni Volkameria inermis (Lamiaceae) a new alienspecies naturalized to the Tunisian coast, first record for North-Africa Fl. Medit. 23: 117-122
  30. Moon, Hye-Kyoung , Stefan Vinckier, Erik Smets, Suzy Huysmans 2008 Comparative pollen morphology and ultrastructure of Mentheae subtribe Nepetinae (Lamiaceae) Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 149 174–186
  31. Moon, Hye-Kyoung , Suk-Pyo Hong, Erik Smets, and Suzy Huysmans 2009 Micromorphology and character evolution of nutlets in Tribe Mentheae (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae) Systematic Botany 34(4): 760–777
  32. Murata, Gen 1971 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia IV : A List of Labiatae Known from Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu 8(4) 491-517
  33. Murata, Gen 1976 Contributions to the Flora or Southeast Asia VI. Additions and corrections to the knowledge of Labiatae in Thailand (1) South East Asian Studies 14(2) 177-193
  34. Navarro, Teresa and Jalal El Oualidi 1999 Trichome morphology in Teucrium L.(Labiatae). A taxonomic review Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 57 (2): 277-297
  35. Norihito, Miura and Iwatsubo Yoshikane 2011 Cytotaxonomic study of Lamium sensu (Labiatae) in Japan J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 59 (1): 17-29
  36. Ohwi, Jjsaburo 1936 Plantæ Novæ Japonicæ (I) J. Jap. Bot. 12 (5): 327-335
  37. Ranjbar, Massoud, Chonour Mahmoudi and Sepideh Jahaniyan 2016 A synopsis of the cytogenetics of the genus Phlomoides (Lamiaceae) in Iran Caryologia 69 (4): 330-338
  38. Sales, F., I. C. Hedge and F. Christie 2010 Salvia plebeia R. Br.: taxonomy, phytogeography, autogamy and myxospermy. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42 99-110
  39. Shi, Suhua, Yaqing Du, D. E. Boufford, Xun Gong, Yelin Huang, Hanghang He and & Yang Zhong 2003 Phylogenetic position of Schnabelia, a genus endemic to China: Evidence from sequences of cpDNA matK gene and nrDNA ITS regions Chinese Science Bulletin 48(15) 1576-1580
  40. Shimizu, Tatemi 1970 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia II Impatiens of Thailand and Malaya The Southeast Asian Studies 8(2): 187-217
  41. Smitinand, Tem, Tatemi Shimizu, Hiroshige Koyama, Nobuyuki Fukuoka 1970 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia I. Taxonomy and Phytogeography of Some Temperate Species in Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu 8(2) 171-186
  42. Steenis, van C. G. G. J. (1957). Miscellaneous botanical Notes VIIL Blumea 8:514-517
  43. Sudarmono, Hiroshi Okada 2008 Genetic differentiations among the populations of Salvia japonica (Lamiaceae) and its related specie. Journal of Biosciences 15(1) 18-26
  44. Suddee, Somran 2010 A new species of Platostoma (Labiatae) from Thailand Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 38: 59–63
  45. Will, Maria, Natalie Schmalz and Regine Classen-Bockhoff 2015 Towards a new classification of Salvia s.l.: (re)establishing the genus Pleudia Raf. Turkish Journal of Botany 39 (4):693-707
  46. Wu, Jiunn-Tzong and Tseng-Chieng Huang 1975. Biosystematic studies of Formosan Salvia. Taiwania 20(1):77-98.

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  10. 郑宝江 邢淑清 李艳波 张晶 2003 唇形科植物果皮微形态特征及其分类学意义 东北林业大学学报 31(3) 34-35
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  14. 楊曆縣、謝宗欣 2014 頂頭花—台灣一種常被誤認的稀有唇形科植物 台灣生物多樣性研究 16(3):283-289
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Callicarpa Reference

  1. Bramley, Gemma L. C. 2011 Distribution patterns in Malesian Callicarpa (Lamiaceae) Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 63 (1 & 2): 287–298
  2. Chen, Tien-Tsai, Shu-Miaw Chaw and Yuen-Po Yang 1998 A revision on Callicarpa (Verbenaceae) of Taiwan Taiwania 43(4) 330-345
  3. Hatusima, Sumihiko 1949 New and noteworthy plants from southern Japan and the adjacent districts J. Jap. Bot. 24:81-87
  4. Leeratiwong, C., P. Chantaranothai and Paton, A. 2007 Notes on the genus Callicarpa (Lamiaceae) in Thailand Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 35: 73–79
  5. Leeratiwong, Charan, Pranom Chantaranothai and Alan J. Paton 2009 A synopsis of the genus Callicarpa L. (Lamiaceae) in Thailand THAI FOR. BULL. (BOT.) 37: 36–58
  6. Lin, Wei-Fang and Jen-Li Wang 1967 Two New Species of the Genus Callicarpa from Taiwan Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 8 (2): 184-190
  7. Ma, Zhonghui, Gemma L. C. Bramley and Dianxiang Zhang 2015 Pollen morphology of Callicarpa L. (Lamiaceae) from China and its systematic implications Plant Systematics and Evolution 302(1)
  8. Ma, Zhonghui & Su, Zhiwei 2016 The identity of Callicarpa minutiflora Y. Y. Qian (Lamiaceae) and taxonomic synonym of C. longifolia Lamarck PhytoKeys 75: 13-18
  9. Matsumura, J. 1899 Notulæ ad Plantas Asiaticas Orientales (Continued from p. 84.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 13 (152): 113-115
  10. Munir, Ahmad Abid 1982 A taxonomic revision of the genus Callicarpa L.(Verbenaceae) in Australia Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Garden 6(1) 5-39

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Clerodendrum Reference

  1. Bhattacharjee, Debayan, Arup Das, Sreemoy Kanti Das, G. S Chakraborthy 2011 Clerodendrum Infortunatum Linn. : A Review Journal of Advances in Pharmacy and Healthcare Research 1 3 82-85
  2. Chen, Shou-Liang 1991 A new variety and new varietal combinations in Chinese Verbenaceae Novon 1 (2): 58-59
  3. Das, N., J. Sarma and S. K. Bortahur 2014 Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunberg (Lamiaceae): a new record to the flora of India from Assam Pleione 8 (2): 513 - 515
  4. Das, Nibedita and S. K. Borthakur 2016 Leaf architecture of some species of Clerodendrum Linnaeus found in Assam, India Pleione 10 (2): 288-296
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  6. Hsiao, J. Y. and M. L. Lin 1995 A chemotaxonomic study of essential oils from the leaves of genus Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) native to Taiwan Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 36(4):247-251
  7. Inoue, K., Masami Hasegawa and Shiro Kobayashi 1997 A new species of Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) from the Izu islands [J. Jap. Bot.] 72 (2): 117–124.
  8. Leeratiwong, Charan, Pranom Chantaranothai and Alan J. Paton 2011 A Synopsis of the Genus Clerodendrum L. (Lamiaceae) in Thailand Tropical Natural History 11(2): 177-211
  9. Mizusawa, Leiko, Naoko Ishikawa, Okihito Yano, Shinji Fujii and Yuji Isagi 2019 Geographic Distribution of Ploidy Levels and Chloroplast Haplotypes in Japanese Clerodendrum trichotomum s. lat. (Lamiaceae) Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 70 (2): 87–102
  10. Munir, Ahmad Abid 1989 A taxonomic revision of the genus Clerodendrum L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 11:101-173
  11. Satthaphorn, Jiratthi, Alan Paton, & Charan Leeratiwong 2023 Validation of three Indo-Chinese Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 51(2): 164–172.
  12. Wearn, J. A. and D. J. Mabberley 2011 Clerodendrum confusion―redefinition of,and new perspectives for, a large Labiate genus Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 63 (1 & 2): 119–124
  13. Wearn, J. A. and Charan Leeratiwong 2012 A reassessment of the identity and rarity of Clerodendrum chlorisepalum (Lamiaceae) in Thailand and Vietnam Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 40: 121–124
  14. Yuan, Yao-Wu, David J. Mabberley, Dorothy A. Steane and Richard G. Olmstead 2010 Further disintegration and redefinition of Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae): Implications for the understanding of the evolution of an intriguing breeding strategy Taxon 59 (1): 125–133

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Premna Reference

  1. de Kok, Rogier 2011 The genus Premna (Lamiaceae) and the presence of ‘pyro-herbs’ in the Flora Malesiana area Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 63(1 & 2): 495–498
  2. De Kok, Rogier P. J. 2013 The genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) in the Flora Malesiana area Kew Bulletin 68: 55-84
  3. Leeratiwong, Charan, Pranom Chantaranothai and Alan J. Paton 2009 A synopsis of the genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) in Thailand The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 9: 113–142
  4. Lu, Sheng-Yu and Yueng-Po Yang 1980 Two new records for the flora of Taiwan Taiwania 25 (1): 123-125 / Premna octonervia and Rubus howii
  5. Meeuse, A. D. J. 1942 Notes on Javanese Verbenaceae Blumea 5 (1): 66–80
  6. Munir, Ahmad Abid 1984 A taxonomic revision of the genus Premna L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia Adelaide Bot. Gard. 7 (1): 1-44
  7. Sunilkumar, T., A. Honey John, K. M. Prabhukumar, V. T. Antony and Indira Balachandran 2013 Premna scandens Roxb. (Verbenaceae) - A new distribution record for south India J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 37 (1): 50-52
  8. Tan, Yunhong, Derong Li, Yongjun Chen, Bo Li 2017 Premna bhamoensis (Lamiaceae, Premnoideae), a new species from Kachin State, northeastern Myanmar PhytoKeys 83: 93-101
  9. Tan, Yun Hong and BO Li 2014 Taxonomic studies on the genus Premna (Lamiaceae) in China—I: the identities of P. fulva and P. tapintzeana Phytotaxa 173 (3): 207–216
  10. Widodo, Muhammad Jafar Luthfi 2017. Rediscovery of Premna lucidula Miq (Lamiaceae) in Mount Nglanggeran Gunungkidul Proc Internat Conf Sci Engin 1: 59-65

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Scutellaria Reference

  1. Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XX Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51 (604) 142-149
  2. Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin, Tseng-Chieng Huang 1995 Notes on the flora of Taiwan (20) -Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) in Taiwan Taiwania 40:35-56
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China Plant Web

China Plant Reference

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Hong Kong Plant

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