- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan&volume=3&list=808
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan%202nd%20edit.&volume=3&list=3341
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統 https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/PlantInfo/species-name.php?code=407%20017%2004%200
- Hayata, The Botanical magazine, Tokyo 20(232): 48. 1906. (Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 植物學雜誌) https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jplantres1887/20/232/20_232_47/_pdf/-char/ja
- Potentilla leuconota D. Don var. morrisonicola Hayata, Flora Montana Formosae 83. pl. 5. 1908. (Fl. Mont. Formos., 台灣高地帶植物誌) https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=0&book=Fl.%20Mont.%20Formos.&page=83
- Potentilla morrisonicola (Hayata) Hayata, Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 3: 96. 1913. (Icon. Pl. Formos., 台灣植物圖譜) https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=3&book=Icon.%20Pl.%20Formos.&page=96
- Potentilla morrisonicola (Hayata) Hayata var. nitida Masam., Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 26: 56. 1936. (Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos., 台灣博物學會會報)
- Potentilla morrisonicola (Hayata) Hayata var. sericea Masam., Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 26: 56. 1936. (Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos., 台灣博物學會會報)
- FOC Vol. 9 Page 305 http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200011090
- Potentilla leuconota D.Don [family ROSACEAE] on JSTOR https://plants.jstor.org/stable/10.5555/al.ap.specimen.k000762516