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Mabberley, D. J.;A classification for edible Citrus (Rutaceae)
Morton, Cynthia M. and Cheryl Telmer New subfamily calssification for the Rutaceae
Swingle, Walter T;Limnocitrus, a New Genus, Also New Species of Wenzelia, Paramignya and Atalantia (Rutaceae-Aurantioideae)
Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 1773-1922
Oliver, Daniel Esq., The Natural Order Aurantiacecs, with a Synopsis of the Indian Species.
Llave, Pablo de la & Martínez de Lejarza y Alday, Juan José;Novorum vegetabilium descriptiones. In lucem prodeunt opera / Paulli de la Llave et Ioannis Lexarza reip. Mexic. CIV. ; Fasciculus I. Quadraginta descriptiones complectens totidem genera nova exhibent