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Chloranthaceae Reference

  1. Kong, Hong-Zhi, Zhi-duan Chen and An-Ming Lu 2002 Phylogeny of Chloranthus (Chloranthaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid TRNL-F sequence data American Journal of Botany 89 (6): 940-946
  2. Makino, T. 1910 Observations on the Flora of Japan (Continued from p. 22.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 (277): 28-35
  3. Swamy,B. G. L. and I. W. Bailey 1950 Sarcandra, A vesselless genus of the Chloranthaceae J. Arnold Arbor. 31: 117-130
  4. Verdcourt, B. 1986 Chloranthaceae Flora Malesiana Ser. I
  5. Yang, T. Y. Aleck, Tzen-Yuh Chiang, Ching-I Peng and Tsai-Wen Hsu 2006 Chloranthus henryi Hemsl. (Chloranthaceae), a New Record to the Flora of Taiwan Taiwania, 51(4): 283-286

  1. 吴国芳 1980 中国金粟兰科的新种 植物分类学报 18 (2): 220-223.
  2. 孔宏智 2000 宽叶金粟兰及其近缘类群的修订 植物分类学报 38 (4): 355-365
  3. 品川鉄摩 1963 壹岐島産キビヒトリシズカについて 植物研究雑誌 38:29-31
  4. 檜山庫三 1962 牧野標本館雜記 9 植物研究雑誌 37 (4): 125-128