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- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan%202nd%20edit.&volume=4&list=4631
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- Lasianthus microstachys Hayata;Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 9: 63. 1920. (Icon. Pl. Formos., 台灣植物圖譜);https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=9&book=Icon.%20Pl.%20Formos.&page=63
- Lasianthus microstachys Hayata is a synonym of Lasianthus micranthus Hook.f.;http://www.plantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-108666
- Lasianthus micranthus Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 3(7): 190 (1880).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/455786#page/194/mode/1up
- Lasianthus microstachys Hayata;T.S.Liu, Ill. Nat. Introd. Lign. Fl. Taiwan: 1117, f. 936 (1962).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/112464#page/455/mode/1up
- Lasianthus microstachys Hayata;T.S.Liu & J.M.Chao in Taiwania 10: 140, f. 12 (1964);https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/pdf/tai.1964.10.117.pdf
- Mephitidia microstachys (Hayata) Nakai, Trees and Shrubs of Japan ed. 2 528. 1927. (Tree & Shrub, Jap. ed. 2, )
- Lasianthus seikomontanus Yamamoto, Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture 7: 148. 1935. (J. Soc. Trop. Agr., 熱帶農學會誌)
- Mephitidia seikomontanus (Yamamoto) Masam., Short Flora of Formosa 203. 1936. (Short Fl. Formos., 最新台灣植物總名錄)
- Lasianthus micranthus Hook.f. ウスバルリミノキ 標準;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=42407
- Lasianthus microstachys Hayata;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=42514
- 《中国植物志》 第71(2)卷 (1999) >> 076页 PDF >> 小花粗叶木 Lasianthus micranthus;http://www.iplant.cn/info/Lasianthus%20micranthus?t=z
- FOC Vol. 19 Page 186, 189, 195;24. Lasianthus micranthus J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 3: 190. 1880.;小花粗叶木;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=242328397
- Lasianthus micranthus Hook.f.;Dunn & Tutcher in Kew Bull. add. ser. 10: 134 (1912);https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/105502#page/136/mode/1up
- Lasianthus micranthus Hook.f.;Hutch. in Sarg., Pl. Wilson. 3: 402 (1916);
- Lasianthus micranthus Hook.f.;H.Zhu in A. P. S. 32: 74 (1994)/朱华 1994 中国粗叶木属 (茜草科) 植物的分类研究 植物分类学报 32(1) 49-81