討論:Rhododendron ovatum
- Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan&volume=4&list=9911
- Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan%202nd%20edit.&volume=4&list=4370
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. var. lamprophyllum (Hayata) Y.C.Liu, F.Y.Lu et C.H.Ou ランダイヒカゲツツジ 標準;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=40385
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ランダイヒカゲツツジ 広義;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=40432
- 《中国植物志》 第57(2)卷 (1994) >> 341页 PDF >> 马银花 Rhododendron ovatum;http://www.iplant.cn/info/Rhododendron%20ovatum?t=z
- FOC Vol. 14 Page 423;462. Rhododendron ovatum (Lindley) Planchon ex Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 15: 230. 1871.;马银花;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200016514
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim. is an accepted name;http://www.plantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/tro-50060643
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg 15(2): 230 1871.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/33525002#page/127/mode/1up
- Azalea ovata Lindl.;J. Hort. Soc. London 1: 149 1846.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/9856493#page/171/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 28. 1889;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/8383#page/34/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Hayata, Icones Pl. Form. 3: 139 (1913); https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16237#page/155/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Wils., J. Arn. Arb. 6: 174 (1925); https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/33585#page/438/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Matsuda, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 26: 319 1912;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/5432328#page/337/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Diels, (Fl. Centr. Chin), Bot. Jahrb. Syst. (Engl.) 29: 515 1901;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1378#page/529/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Rehder & Sargent; Brad. Bib. 2: 682 1911;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34197761#page/696/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Maxim, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 54: 29 1879;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34364349#page/39/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Finet & Franch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 46: 204 1899;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/320033#page/202/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Finet & Franch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 46: 210 1899;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/320039#page/208/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Wilson, J. Arnold Arbor. 5: 103 1924;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8367560#page/107/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Hemsl. & Wils., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 120 1910;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/11623120#page/127/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Rehder & E.H.Wilson, Pl. Wilson. (Sargent) 1: 546 1913;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/413336#page/560/mode/1up
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Hutch. in Stevenson, Spec. Rhodod. 565. 1930;
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Hand. -Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7;771. 1936;
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Fang in Contr. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China Bot. 12:11-13. 1939;
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.;Kaneh., Form. Tr. rev. ed.: 540, f. 546 (1936);https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=0&book=Formos.%20Trees%20rev.%20ed.&page=546
- Azalea ovata Lindl.;J. Hort. Soc. London 1: 149 1846.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/9856493#page/171/mode/1up
- Azalea ovata Lindl.;Fortune in Journ. Hort. Soc. Lond. 2: 126. t. 2. 1847;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/148085#page/140/mode/1up
- Azalea ovata Lindl.;Hook. in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 84: t. 5064. 1858;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/14224#page/126/mode/1up
- Azalea ovata Lindl.;Benth. Fl. Hongk. 201. 1861.
- Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.)Planch. Ex Maxim. var. Setuliferum M. Y. He in Journ.Sichuan Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 1984(1):96. 1984 四川大学学报自然科学版
- Rhododendron ovatum var. prismatum P .C. Tam 江西和湖南的杜鹃花新种和新变种 http://bbr.nefu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract1602.shtml