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  • Viola pricei W. Becker, 1: 252. 1928. (Bull. Inst. Fard. Bot. Univ. Belyrad, )
  • Viola pricei W. Becker;Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1928(6): 252 1928.;
  1. Becker, Wilhelm 1928 New Chinese Species of Viola Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) 6: 247-252
(Sect. Nomimium Ging.)/鸟嘴柱头组——Sect. Trigonocarpae Godr., Fl. Lorr. 1: 88. 1857
  • Viola pricei W. Becker;Lin, Taiwania 1: 283 1950

Viola nagasawai auct. non Makino & Hayata: Hsieh, Flora of Taiwan 3: 776. 1977. (Fl. Taiwan, 台灣植物誌)
