討論:Boerhavia coccinea


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Boerhavia diffusa auct. non L.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=47893

  • Boerhavia coccinea Mill.;Chen & Wu, Taiwania 50: 31. fig. 4 & 5. 2005.;Chen, S.-H. and M.-J. Wu. 2005. Notes on three newly naturalized plants in Taiwan. Taiwania 50: 29-39
  • Boerhavia coccinea Mill.;S.H.Chen & M.J.Wu, Taiwania 52: 333, f. 2 (2007);Chen, Shih-Huei and Wu, Ming-Jou. 2007. A Taxonomical Study of the Genus Boerhavia (Nyctaginaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 52(4): 332-342
  • Boerhavia coccinea Mill.;S.W.Chung, Ill. Fl. Taiwan 5: 357 2018
  • Boerhavia coccinea Mill.;Burger, (Fl. Costaricensis) Fieldiana n.s. 13: 187 1980;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2646307#page/201/mode/1up
