討論:Melanthera robusta


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Wedelia robusta (Makino) Kitam.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=19470
Wedelia prostrata Hemsl. var. robusta Makino;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=40014

  • Melanthera robusta (Makino) K. Ohashi & H. Ohashi;K. Ohashi & H. Ohashi, J. Jpn. Bot. 85: 59. 2010;Ohashia, Kazuaki and Hiroyoshi Ohashib 2010 New Combinations of Melanthera (Asteraceae) in Japan and Taiwan J. Jpn. Bot. 85: 59-63

  • Wedelia prostrata (Hook. & Arn.) Hemsl. var. robusta Makino, J. Jpn. Bot. 1: 23 f.2 1917;Makino, Tomitarô 1917 A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Flora of Japan. ( Continuecl from p. 22.) J. Jpn. Bot. 1: 23-26
  • Wedelia robusta (Makino) Kitam.;Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ., Ser. B, Biol. 16: 258 1942;
