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Brizicky, George Konstantin;The genera of Sapindales in the southeastern United States
Giibbs, Lilian S. ;A Contribution to the flora and Plant Formations of Mount Kinabalu and the Highlands of British North Borneo.
Radlkofer, L.;Sapindaceæ novæ ex indo-China, odjecto genere emendato
Brizicky, George Konstantin;The genera of Sapindales in the southeastern United States

Nova genera & species plantarum, seu, Prodromus descriptionum vegetabilium :maximam partem incognitorum quæ sub itinere in Indiam Occidentalem annis 1783-87
Hope, John, Catalogus arborum et fruticum in Horto Edinensi Crescentium Anno 1778
Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin 1884-1904