討論:Cotoneaster brandisii


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  • Cotoneaster brandisii G.Klotz, Wiss. Zeitschr. Mart.-Luth. Univ. Halle, Math.-Nat. 15: 537 1966

  • Cotoneaster brandisi G.Klotz;Bull. Bot. Surv. India 28: 67 1986;Panigrahi, G. & Arvind Kumar 1986A Conspectus of the 74 Taxa of Cotoneaster Ehrhart Ex Medic. (Rosaceae) in India Bull. Bot. Surv. India 28: 63-80

Cotoneaster nummularius


  • Cotoneaster lindleyi Steud.;Bull. Bot. Surv. India 28: 70 1986;Panigrahi, G. & Arvind Kumar 1986A Conspectus of the 74 Taxa of Cotoneaster Ehrhart Ex Medic. (Rosaceae) in India Bull. Bot. Surv. India 28: 63-80