討論:Solena heterophylla


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Solena amplexicaulis sensu K.N.Gandhi;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=42708
Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn.;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=33368

  • Solena heterophylla Lour.; Liu, Taiwania 28: 118. 1983.;Liu, Ho-Yih 1983 Notes on Taiwan Cucurbitaceae Taiwania 28: 117-121
  • Solena heterophylla Lour.;Keraudren-Aymonin, Fl. Camb., Laos & Vietn. 15: 63 1975;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/276692#page/65/mode/1up
  • Solena heterophylla Lour.;W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes in Blumea 49: 73 f.1-a-c (2004);de Wilde, W. J. J. O. & Duyfjes, B. E. E. 2004 Review of the genus Solena (Cucurbitaceae). Blumea 49 (1): 69–81
  • Solena heterophylla Lour.;W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes, Fl. Males. ser. 1, 19: 224 & 226 (ssp. heterophylla), f. 66 (2010);Flora Malesiana Dataportal
  • Solena heterophylla Lour.;S.W.Chung, Ill. Fl. Taiwan 5: 78 (2018)


  • Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn.;Chuang, Taiwania 12: 123 1966;Chuang, Ching-Chang 1966 Study on the Taiwan Cucurbitaceae Taiwania 12: 117-136
  • Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn.;Kitamura, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 13: 111. 1943;北村四郎 1943 日本産ウリ科提要 植物分類,地理 13: 106-117

  • Solena heterophylla subsp. napaulensis (Ser.) W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes;Blumea 49: 75 2004.