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Jones, David L., Forster, Paul I. & Sharma, Ish K.;Revision of the Macrozamia miquelii (F.Muell.) A.DC. (Zamiaceae section Macrozamia) group
Johnson, L. A. S.;The families of cycads and the Zamiaceae of Australia
Chamberlain, Charles Joseph;Fertilization and Embryogeny in Dioon edule
Chamberlain, Charles Joseph;The living cycads
Coulter, John Merle & Chamberlain, Charles Joseph;Morphology of gymnosperms
Chamberlain, Charles Joseph;Gymnosperms; structure and evolution
Hill, T. G. & De Fraine, E.;On the seedling structure of gymnosperms. III.
  • Matte, Recherches sur l'appareil libéro-ligneux des Cycadacées 1904
Matte, Henri;Recherches sur l'appareil libéro-ligneux des Cycadacées
Dorety, Helen A.;Embryo and Seedling of Dioon spinulosum
Chemnick, Jeffrey, Gregory, Timothy J & Salas-Morales, Silvia H.;A revision of Dioon tomaselli (Zamiaceae) from western Mexico, a range extension of D. morolae, and clarification of D. purpusii