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Part I

Harper, Roland M.;Taxodium distichum in the Paleozoic area of Alabama
Adams, Robert P.;Seasonal variation in the leaf essential oil of Taxodium distichum (Cupressaceae
Adams, Robert P., Arnold, Michael A., King, Andrew R. & Denny, Geoffrey C.;Taxodium (Cupressaceae): one, two or three species? Evidence from DNA sequences and terpenoids
Adams, Robert P., Arnold, Michael A., King, A. R., Griffin, Jason J., Iles, Jeff, Knox, G W, Mcdonald, G V & Niu, G.;Environmentally induced variation in the leaf volatile terpenes of Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. (Cupressaceae)
Kozel, Thomas R., Dailey, John - Craig, Jay & Welborn, Kathy;Some stand characteristics of bald cypress, Taxodium distichum (L.) in an oxbow lake in extreme southwestern Indiana
Krausel, R;1st Taxodium distichum Oder Sequoia sempervirens Charakterbaum der deutschen Braunkohle?
Coulter, Stanley;Histology of the Leaf of Taxodium. II

Part II
