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Part I

St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman: Part 1. Key to the Sections
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 2. Pandanus in Western Australia and Notes on the Section Foullioya
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 3: A New Species from Oeno Island, Tuamotu Archipelago
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 4: Disposition of some later homonyms
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 5: Pandanus of the Maldive Islands and the Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 6 New Pandanus Species from Queensland, Australia
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 7 New Pandanus Species from Borneo, Papua, and the Solomon Islands
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 10. New Pandanus Species from Vietnam
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 19. Additional Malayan Species of Pandanus
Balfour, Isaac Bayley;Observations on the Genus Pandanus (Screw-Pines) ; with an Enumeration of all Species described or named in Books, Herbaria, and Nurserymen's Catalogues; together with their Synonyms and Native Countries as far as these have been ascertained
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;The Genus Pandanus (Pandanaceae) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
Vartak, V. D.;Note on Ambemohor Pat Pandanus amaryllifolius from Western India
Balfour, Isaac Bayley;Observations on the Genus Pandanus (Screw-Pines) ; with an Enumeration of all Species described or named in Books, Herbaria, and Nurserymen's Catalogues; together with their Synonyms and Native Countries as far aMrfrese have been ascertained
Rahayu, Sri Endarti, Hartana, Alex, Chikmawati, Tatik & Kartawinata, Kuswata;A taxonomic study of the Pandanus furcatus and P. tectorius complexes (Pandanaceae) in Java
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;Studies of Malesian Pandanaceae, I. Polymorphism in Pandanus odoratissimus L.f. of Asia
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;A Synopsis of the African Species of Pandanus
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;Notes on the plant genus Pandanus in Fiji, Tonga, the New Hebrides, and Niue
Ranck, A. R.;Guide to Agave, Cinnamomum, Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Pandanus, and Sansevieria in the flora of Florida
Govindarajalu, E. & Thanyakumar, S.;The végétative anatomy of Freycinetia sumatrana Hemsl. and F. rigidifolia Hemsl. along with the comparative study of shoot apex organization in F. rigidifolia and Pandanus tectorius Soland

Part II

Part III

  • Stone, Benjamin Clemens 1972 A review of Javanese Pandanaceae with notes on plants cultivated in Hortus Bogoriensis. Reinwardtia 8: 309-318
  • Stone, Benjamin Clemens 1979 Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman. Part 42. Pandanus tectorius Parkins, and Pandanus odoratissimus L.f. Pacific Sci. 33(4): 395-401
  • Stone, Benjamin Clemens 1994 A note on Pandanus (Pandanaceae) in Taiwan. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 35: 129-132
  • Tomlinson, P. B. 1965 A study of stomatal structure in Pandanaceae Pacific Sci. 19(1): 38-54.