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Part I

St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman: Part 1. Key to the Sections
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 2. Pandanus in Western Australia and Notes on the Section Foullioya
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 3: A New Species from Oeno Island, Tuamotu Archipelago
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 4: Disposition of some later homonyms
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 5: Pandanus of the Maldive Islands and the Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 6 New Pandanus Species from Queensland, Australia
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 7 New Pandanus Species from Borneo, Papua, and the Solomon Islands
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 10. New Pandanus Species from Vietnam
St. John, Harold,;Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 19. Additional Malayan Species of Pandanus
Balfour, Isaac Bayley;Observations on the Genus Pandanus (Screw-Pines) ; with an Enumeration of all Species described or named in Books, Herbaria, and Nurserymen's Catalogues; together with their Synonyms and Native Countries as far as these have been ascertained
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;The Genus Pandanus (Pandanaceae) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
Vartak, V. D.;Note on Ambemohor Pat Pandanus amaryllifolius from Western India
Balfour, Isaac Bayley;Observations on the Genus Pandanus (Screw-Pines) ; with an Enumeration of all Species described or named in Books, Herbaria, and Nurserymen's Catalogues; together with their Synonyms and Native Countries as far aMrfrese have been ascertained
Rahayu, Sri Endarti, Hartana, Alex, Chikmawati, Tatik & Kartawinata, Kuswata;A taxonomic study of the Pandanus furcatus and P. tectorius complexes (Pandanaceae) in Java
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;Studies of Malesian Pandanaceae, I. Polymorphism in Pandanus odoratissimus L.f. of Asia
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;A Synopsis of the African Species of Pandanus
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;Notes on the plant genus Pandanus in Fiji, Tonga, the New Hebrides, and Niue
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;Some new and critical Pandanus species of subgenus Acrostigma
Stone, Benjamin Clemens;On the genus Pandanus (Pandanaceae) in New Caledonia
Ranck, A. R.;Guide to Agave, Cinnamomum, Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Pandanus, and Sansevieria in the flora of Florida
Govindarajalu, E. & Thanyakumar, S.;The végétative anatomy of Freycinetia sumatrana Hemsl. and F. rigidifolia Hemsl. along with the comparative study of shoot apex organization in F. rigidifolia and Pandanus tectorius Soland
Campbell, Douglas Houghton;The embryo-sac of Pandanus
Petit-Thouars, Louis-Marie Aubert du;Extrait d'un Mémoire sur les espèces de Pandanus, ohservees aux iles de France, de Bourbon et de Madagascar
Kurz, Sulpiz,;Remarks on the species of Pandanus
Ridley, Henry Nicholas;New Malayan Plants
Vartak, V. D.;Note on Ambemohor Pat Pandanus amaryllifolius from Western India
Kurz, Sulpiz,;Bemerkungen über die Arten von Pandanus
Solms-Luabach, Hermanno comite de;Monographic Pandanacearum

Part II

Part III

  • Stone, Benjamin Clemens 1972 A review of Javanese Pandanaceae with notes on plants cultivated in Hortus Bogoriensis. Reinwardtia 8: 309-318
  • Stone, Benjamin Clemens 1979 Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman. Part 42. Pandanus tectorius Parkins, and Pandanus odoratissimus L.f. Pacific Sci. 33(4): 395-401
  • Stone, Benjamin Clemens 1994 A note on Pandanus (Pandanaceae) in Taiwan. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 35: 129-132
  • Tomlinson, P. B. 1965 A study of stomatal structure in Pandanaceae Pacific Sci. 19(1): 38-54.
  • Martelli, Webbia 4: 399-435 1914;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/51625001#page/417/mode/1up
Martelli U.;Le specie e varietà nuove di "Pandanus," menzionate nella enumerazione delle Pandanaceae
Martelli U.;enumerazione delle Pandanaceae