討論:Dianthus jacquemontii


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  • Dianthus jacquemontii Edgew.;Blatter, Beaut. Flow. Kashmir 1: 48 1928;https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.270867/page/n88/mode/1up
  • Dianthus jacquemontii Edgew.;Fassou, PhytoKeys 196: 154 2022;Fassou G, Korotkova N., Nersesyan A., Koch M. A., Dimopoulos P., Borsch T. 2022 Taxonomy of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) – overall phylogenetic relationships and assessment of species diversity based on a first comprehensive checklist of the genus. PhytoKeys 196: 91–214

Dianthus cachemiricus

  • Dianthus cachemiricus Edgew.;Fassou, PhytoKeys 196: 125 2022;Fassou G, Korotkova N., Nersesyan A., Koch M. A., Dimopoulos P., Borsch T. 2022 Taxonomy of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) – overall phylogenetic relationships and assessment of species diversity based on a first comprehensive checklist of the genus. PhytoKeys 196: 91–214

Dianthus harrissii

  • Dianthus harrissii Rech.f., Pl. Syst. Evol. 142(3-4): 240 (1983).

  • Dianthus harrissii Rech.f.;Fassou, PhytoKeys 196: 149 2022;Fassou G, Korotkova N., Nersesyan A., Koch M. A., Dimopoulos P., Borsch T. 2022 Taxonomy of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) – overall phylogenetic relationships and assessment of species diversity based on a first comprehensive checklist of the genus. PhytoKeys 196: 91–214