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Part I

Gagnepain, François;Essai d'une classification du genre Tetrastigma
Chen, Ping-Ting, Wen, Jun, Chen, Longqing;Spatial and temporal diversification of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae)
Latiff, A;Studies in Malesian Vitaceae. VII. The Genus Tetrastigma in the Malay Peninsula

Part II

Part III

  1. Habib, Sadaf, Viet Cuong Dang, Stefanie M Ickert-Bond, Jinlong Zhang, Limin Lu, Jun Wen and Zhiduan Chen 2017 Robust Phylogeny of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) Based on Ten Plastid DNA Regions: Implications for Infrageneric Classification and Seed Character Evolution Front. Plant Sci. 8:590.
  • Wan Zakaria, Wan Nuur Fatiha, Aida Shafreena Ahmad Puad, Connie Geri, Ramlah Zainudin and Abdul Latiff 2016 Tetrastigma diepenhorstii (Miq.) Latiff (Vitaceae), a New Host of Rafflesia tuan-mudae Becc. (Rafflesiaceae) in Borneo Journal of Botany 2016 (2):1-6;Article ID 3952323
  • Wan Zakaria, Wan Nuur Fatiha, Aida Shafreena, Ahmad Puad, Ramlah, Zainudin and Abdul, Latiff 2017 A revision of Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) in Sarawak, Borneo. Malayan Nature Journal 69 (1) 71-90

Tetrastigma leucostaphylum (Dennst.) Alston

Tetrastigma diepenhorstii

  1. Yeo, C. K., W. F. Ang and Alvin F. S. L. Lok 2012 Tetrastigma Planch. (Vitaceae) of Singapore: with a special note on Tetrastigma dichotomum (Bl.) Planch Nature in Singapore 5 263-270
  2. Zakaria, Wan Nuur Fatiha Wan, Aida Shafreena Ahmad Puad, Connie Geri, Ramlah Zainudin and Abdul Latiff 2016 Tetrastigma diepenhorstii (Miq.) Latiff (Vitaceae), a New Host of Rafflesia tuan-mudae Becc. (Rafflesiaceae) in Borneo Journal of Botany ID 3952323

Host:Rafflesia keithii Meijer

Tetrastigma dichotomum

  • Vitis dichotoma Miq. is an unresolved name

Tetrastigma rafflesiae
