目錄 |
Part I
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- Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=4&book=Fl.%20Taiwan%202nd%20edit.&page=416
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Part II
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- Voigt, Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. 466 1845;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/31324340#page/500/mode/1up
Part III
- Wearn, James A. and David J. Mabberley 2011 Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) in Borneo Systematic Botany 36(4): 1050-1061;https://doi.org/10.1600/036364411X605056
Clerodendrum Reference
- Bhattacharjee, Debayan, Arup Das, Sreemoy Kanti Das, G. S Chakraborthy 2011 Clerodendrum Infortunatum Linn. : A Review Journal of Advances in Pharmacy and Healthcare Research 1 3 82-85
- Chen, Shou-Liang 1991 A new variety and new varietal combinations in Chinese Verbenaceae Novon 1 (2): 58-59
- Das, N., J. Sarma and S. K. Bortahur 2014 Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunberg (Lamiaceae): a new record to the flora of India from Assam Pleione 8 (2): 513 - 515
- Das, Nibedita and S. K. Borthakur 2016 Leaf architecture of some species of Clerodendrum Linnaeus found in Assam, India Pleione 10 (2): 288-296
- Hatusima, S. 1937 Coniributiones ad Dendrologiam Nipponia Australis (III) J. Jap. Bot. 13 (9): 674-683
- Hsiao, J. Y. and M. L. Lin 1995 A chemotaxonomic study of essential oils from the leaves of genus Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) native to Taiwan Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 36(4):247-251
- Inoue, K., Masami Hasegawa and Shiro Kobayashi 1997 A new species of Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) from the Izu islands [J. Jap. Bot.] 72 (2): 117–124.
- Leeratiwong, Charan, Pranom Chantaranothai and Alan J. Paton 2011 A Synopsis of the Genus Clerodendrum L. (Lamiaceae) in Thailand Tropical Natural History 11(2): 177-211
- Mizusawa, Leiko, Naoko Ishikawa, Okihito Yano, Shinji Fujii and Yuji Isagi 2019 Geographic Distribution of Ploidy Levels and Chloroplast Haplotypes in Japanese Clerodendrum trichotomum s. lat. (Lamiaceae) Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 70 (2): 87–102
- Munir, Ahmad Abid 1989 A taxonomic revision of the genus Clerodendrum L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 11:101-173
- Satthaphorn, Jiratthi, Alan Paton, & Charan Leeratiwong 2023 Validation of three Indo-Chinese Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 51(2): 164–172.
- Wearn, J. A. and D. J. Mabberley 2011 Clerodendrum confusion―redefinition of,and new perspectives for, a large Labiate genus Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 63 (1 & 2): 119–124
- Wearn, J. A. and Charan Leeratiwong 2012 A reassessment of the identity and rarity of Clerodendrum chlorisepalum (Lamiaceae) in Thailand and Vietnam Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 40: 121–124
- Yuan, Yao-Wu, David J. Mabberley, Dorothy A. Steane and Richard G. Olmstead 2010 Further disintegration and redefinition of Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae): Implications for the understanding of the evolution of an intriguing breeding strategy Taxon 59 (1): 125–133
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