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Part I

Adams, Robert P., Schwarzbach, Andrea E., Rushforth, K., Chaudhari, Ram P. & Sharma, L. N.;Analysis of decurrent-leaved Himalayan junipers: Discordance between leaf morphology and DNA bar-codes
Adams, Robert P. & Schwarzbach, Andrea E.Taxonomy of the turbinate seed cone taxa of Juniperus section Sabina: Sequence analysis of nrDNA and four cpDNA regions
Spach, Edouard;Révision des Juniperus
Forsberg, G. E.: Geschlechterverteilung bei Juniperus communis.
De Tchihatcheff, P.;Asie Mineure
Antoine, Franz;Die Cupressineen-Gattungen Arceuthos Juniperus und Sabina
Rushton, W.;Structure of the Wood of Himalayan Junipers

Part II

Part III

  • Rahimian Boogar, Abdolrahman, Hassan Salehi and Esmaeel Seyedabadi 2022 Distribution and Physiology of Juniperus seravschanica Trees in the Genow—The Southernmost and Arid Habitat of Iran Water 14(21): 3508; https://doi.org/10.3390/w14213508
    • Yermagambetova, Moldir, Shyryn Almerekova, Orzimat Turginov, Ormon Sultangaziev, Saule Abugalieva and Yerlan Turuspekov 2023 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Juniperus seravschanica Kom. Collected in Central Asia Plants 12(16): 2961;https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12162961