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Part I

Hörandl, Elvira;Nothing in Taxonomy Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution: Examples from the Classification of Ranunculus
Gray, Asa;Contributions to American Botany Revision of the North-American Ranunculi

Part II

Ranunculus Reference

  1. Erst, Andrey S. and Alexander P. Sukhorukov 2011 Records of Ranunculus longicaulis and R. pseudohirculus (Ranunculaceae) from Nepal Taiwania 56 (3): 218-222
  2. Fujishima, Hirosumi 2012 Karyological relationship of Ranunculus sundaicus (Backer) Eichler (Ranunculaceae) in Java to Ranunculus silerifolius Lév. in the Japanese archipelago Chromosome Science 15: 3-8
  3. Kadota, Yuichi 1991 Taxonomic notes on some alpine species of Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) in the Himalaya Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. Bot. 34: 95-115
  4. Kuo, et. al., Taiwania 50: 215 f.6 2005;Kuo, Shu-Miao, Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang and Jenn-Che Wang 2005 Revision of Ranunculus cantoniensis DC. and Allied Species (Ranunculaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 50(3): 209-221
  5. Liao, Liang & Lingling Xu 1997 New Taxa of the Genus Ranunculus from China and Their Karyotypes Acta Phytotax. Sin. 35: 57-62
  6. Liao, Liang, Lingling Xu, Daming Zhang, Liang Fang, Huisheng Deng, Junwei Shi, Tongjian L 2008 Multiple hybridization origin of Ranunculus cantoniensis (4x): evidence from trnL-F and ITS sequences and fluorescent in situ hybridization Plant Syst Evol 276: 31–37
  7. Lone, Fayaz A., Shazia Lone, G. H. Dar and B. A. Wafai 2013 The Bewildering Taxonomy of Genus Ranunculus with Particular Reference to Kashmir Himalaya Journal of Research & Development 13: 1-19
  8. Lone, Fayaz A., Shazia Lone, Malik Asif, G. H. Dar and B. A. Wafai 2015 Diversity and distribution of genus Ranunculus Linnaeus (Ranunculaceae) in the trans-Himalayan (Ladakh) region in J & K, India Pleione 9(1): 49-60
  9. Lone, Fayaz A. and G. H. Dar 2016 Diversity and distribution of Buttercups (Ranunculus Linnaeus) in Kashmir valley of J & K, India Pleione 10 (2): 209-225
  10. Makino, Tomitarô 1931 A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Flora of Nippon (Continued from p. 14) J. Jap. Bot. 7 (7):15-18
  11. Mourad, Magdy M., Karima A. Hamed and Abdel Salam M. Al-Nowaihi 2000. The morphology and anatomy of the achene in certain species of sub-family Ranunculoideae (Ranunculaceae) with special reference to the achene vasculature Taeckholmia 20 (1): 33-49
  12. Paun, Ovidiu, Carlos Lehnebach, Jan T. Johansson, Peter Lockhart and Elvira Hörand 2005 Phylogenetic Relationships and Biogeography of Ranunculus and Allied Genera (Ranunculaceae) in the Mediterranean Region and in the European Alpine System Taxon 54(4): 911-930
  13. Rastipishe, Sare, Maneezhe Pakravan and Akhtar Tavassoli 2011 Phylogenetic relationships in Ranunculus species (Ranunculaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F sequences Progress in Biological Sciences 1 (1) 41-47
  14. Srivastava, S. K. 2010 Revision of Genus Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae) in India Taiwania 55 (3): 273-314
  15. Yang, T. Y. Aleck & Tseng Chieng Huang 1996 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (6) - Some genera in Taiwan. Taiwania 41(2): 117-153
  16. Yang, T. Y. Aleck and Tseng-Chueng Huang 2008 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (8) - Revision of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan. Taiwania 53(2): 210-229
  17. Yuan, Qiong and Qin-Er Yang 2017 The identity of Ranunculus ailaoshanicus (Ranunculaceae) from China Phytotaxa 319 (1): 111-117

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  3. 田村道夫 1978 日本産キツネノボタン群の学名/Ranunculus cantoniensis Group in Japan 北陸の植物 26 (2): 34-40
  4. 田村道夫 1988 キツネノボタンの変種 / Subdivision of Ranunculus silerifolius Lév. 植物分類,地理 39 (1-3): 93
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