Part I
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- Ban, Nguyen Tien;On the taxonomy of the genus Goniothalamus (Blume) Hooker et Thoms. (Annonaceae).I
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- Ban, Nguyen Tien;On the taxonomy of the genus Goniothalamus (Blume) Hooker et Thoms. (Annonaceae).2
Part II
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Part III
- Lau, Jenny Y. Y. Chun-Chiu Pang, Lawrence Ramsden and Richard M. K. Saunders 2016 Reproductive resource partitioning in two sympatric Goniothalamus species (Annonaceae) from Borneo: Floral biology, pollinator trapping and plant breeding system Scientific Reports 6(1): 35674
- Leeratiwong, Charan, Piya Chalermglin and Richard M. K. Saunders 2021 Goniothalamus roseipetalus and G. sukhirinensis (Annonaceae): Two new species from Peninsular Thailand PhytoKeys 184: 1-17