目錄 |
Part I
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Part II
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Part III
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- Sari, Ema Ratna, Netty Suhatri, Friardi Ismed & Deddi Prima Putra 2021 Inventory, Morphological and Antioxidant Profile of the Sumatera Sidaguri (Sida Spp.) Plants 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Science and Clinical Pharmacy 2021 (ICCSCP 2021) Advances in Health Sciences Research 40: 65-74
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- Ugborogho, Reginald E. 1982 Cytogenetic Studies on the Sida rhombifolia Complex in Nigeria Cytologia 47: 11-20
Sida Reference
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- Barker, Robyn M. 2007 Two newly described species and a draft key to the species of Sida s. lat. from Western Australia Nuytsia 17: 13–30
- Bharati, Kumar Avinash 2016 Identification of Indian Sida through mericarp Pharmacogn. J. 8(5) 490-496
- Barker, R. M. 1998 Sida section Sida in Australia: A revised key, a newly introduced species, S. subcordata Span., and name changes for S. rohlenae var. mutica (Benth.) Fryxell and S. magnifica Dowin. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Garden 18(1) 33-41
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- Nimbalkar Varsha V., G. M. Tambde & M. M. Sardesai 2021 Lectotypification of six names in the genus Sida(Malvaceae) Rheedea 31(2):96-100
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