Sedum japonicum


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Sedum japonicum Siebold ex Miq.

  • Sedum japonicum Siebold ex Miq.;Ohba, Hideaki 2003 New Names of Sedum uniflorum Hook. & Arn. and Its Infraspecific Taxa (Crassulaceae) J. Jap. Bot. 78: 300-301

Sedum japonicum subsp. oryzifolium

  • Sedum japonicum subsp. oryzifolium (Makino) H.Ohba;Ito, Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, Bot. 44: 79 2018;Ito, T., C. C. Yu and G. Kokubugata 2018 Reconsiderations of distribution and taxonomic status of infraspecific taxa in Sedum japonicum (Crassulaceae) based on morphological and molecular data Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, Bot. 44(2): 73–83

Sedum japonicum var. senanense

  • Sedum japonicum var. senanense (Makino) Makino;Ohba, J. Jap. Bot. 78: 300 2003;Ohba, Hideaki 2003 New Names of Sedum uniflorum Hook. & Arn. and Its Infraspecific Taxa (Crassulaceae) J. Jap. Bot. 78: 300-301