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Part I

Matsumura, J. & Y. Kudo;Index specierum varietatum formarumque Labiatarum japonicarum
Kudo, Yushun;Enumeratio specierum Salviarum ex insulis Honsiu, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu et Formosa adhuc cognitarum
KUDO, Yushun, Labiatarum Sino-Japonicarum Prodromus Eine Kritische Besprechung der Labiaten Ostasiens

Sole, William;Menthae britannicae : being a new botanical arrangement of all the British mints hitherto discovered : illustrated with twenty-four copper-plates, of the natural size, done from the life by able artists : exhibiting a figure of every distinct mint herein treated of, including all those enumerated by Ray and Hudson, together with several new species hitherto unnoticed
Vautier, Simone;Résultats des expéditions scientifiques genevois au Népal en 1952 et 1954 (partie botanique) : 14. Labiatae
Deniker, Joseph, Atlas manuel de botanique : illustrations des familles et des genres de plantes phanérogames et cryptogames : caractères, usages, origines, distribution géographique
Scheen, Anne-Cathrine Mika Bendiksby, Olof Ryding, Cecilie Mathiesen, Victor A. Albert & Charlotte Lindqvist;Molecular Phylogenetics, Character Evolution, and Suprageneric Classification of Lamioideae (Lamiaceae)
Briquet, John;Fragmenta monographiae Labiatarum, fascicule 1er (Révision systématique des groupes spécifiques et subspécifiques dans le sous-geinre Menthastrum du genre Mentha; Notes sur quelques Labiées américaines
Briquet, John;Fragmenta Monographiæ Labiatarum, fasciculus V. Observations sur quelques Labiées intéressantes ou nouvelles, principalement de l'Herbier Delessert (1 vignette)
HEDGE, Ian C., R. A. CLÉMENT, A. J. PATON & Peter B. PHILLIPSONFlore de Madagascar et des Comores : plantes vasculaires:Labiatae

  • Scheen, et. al., Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 97(2): 191–217 2010
Scheen, Anne-Cathrine, Bendiksby, M., Ryding, P. O., Mathiesen, C., Albert, V. A. & Lindqvist, C.;Molecular phylogenetics, character evolution, and suprageneric classification of Lamioideae (Lamiaceae)
Nakai, Takenoshin;Labiatæ Coreanæ
Lam, Herman Johannes, The Verbenaceæ of the Malayan archipelago : together with those from the Malayan peninsula, the Philippines, the Bismark-archipelago, and the Palau-, Marianne- and Caroline-islands ...
Prain, D.;Novicias Indicse. III. Some additional species of Labiate
Simmons, Mark P.;Flore de la Nouvelle Calédonie et dépendances 25 Vitaceae;Hippocrateaceae Labiatae
Humbert, H.;Flore de Madagascar et des Comores : plantes vasculaires fam 175: Labiatae
Cortés, Santiago, Flora de Colombia. Vol. I Comprende la flora terapéutica, la industrial, el catálogo de los nombres vulgares de las plantas y una introducción geológica.
Trimen, Henry, Hermann's Ceylon herbarium and Linnæus's 'Flora Zeylandica.'
Press, J. R.;Taxonomic studies in the Labiatae tribe Pogostemoneae
Caius, Jean Ferdinand;The Medicinal and Poisonous Labiates of India

Part II

Matsumura,J. & Y. Kudo;Index specierum varietatum formarumque Labiatarum japonicarum
  1. Dunn, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 6: 127 (1911);https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/32416430#page/131/mode/1up
  2. Dunn, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8: 153-172 1913;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/32408910#page/187/mode/1up
DUNN, STEPHEN TROYTE;A Key to the Labiatae of China.
Keng, H;Flora Malesianae Precursores XLVIII. A Revision of Malesian Labiatae
Bentham, George, 1800-1884;Labiatarum genera et species

Hume, Edward Putnam, Some ornamental shrubs for the Tropics.;Circular (Puerto Rico Experiment Station) ; no. 34.

Part III

  1. Harley, R. M. and J. F. B. Pastore 2012 A generic revision and new combinations in the Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae), based on molecular and morphological evidence Phytotaxa 58: 1–55
  • Mukerjee, Susil Kumar 1940 A revision of the Labiatae of the Indian empire Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 14(1): 118-135
  • Mukerjee, Susil Kumar 1938 A revision of the Labiatae of the Indian empire;https://era.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/27073
  • Murata, Gen 1971 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia IV. A List of Labiatae Known from Thailand S. E. Asian Stud. 8: 489-517
  • Murata, Gen 1976 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia VI. Additions and Corrections to the Knowledge of Labiatae in Thailand (1) S. E. Asian Stud. 14: 177-193
  1. Scheen, Anne-Cathrine and Victor A. Albert 2009 Molecular Phylogenetics of the Leucas Group (Lamioideae; Lamiaceae) Systematic Botany 34(1): 173-181
  1. 杨昌友,王兵 1987 新疆唇形科新植物 植物研究 7(1): 95-103.