澳洲行-Natural Bridge, Springbrook National Park 健行


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肯氏南洋杉 Araucaria cunninghamii

  今天的天氣依然不差,決定去Natural Bridge, Springbrook National Park,已納入世界遺產,只是它的入口處迥異於台灣的作法,只有簡單的標識與解說牌,若是台灣早就是豪華建築體,一度還找不到停車場,還以為搞錯地點,若不是見到一群小朋友可能還在周邊打轉,這群小學生應該是小學的戶外教學。

  路況相當不錯,不難走,沿途見到不少藤蔓絞殺大樹的景況,雖然見不到啥開花物種,只拍到Pothos_longipes,但是看到奇幻的景色也是值得,走進石洞才任識水泥的沖刷力道,山路洞的岩壁是glow worms (larvae of the insect Arachnocampa flava)生育地,只是抬頭仰望卻啥都沒看到,根據資料這是是晚上觀光人潮最多的熱門景點,許多人都是來此看螢火蟲(發光蟲)。

  環形步道伴隨眾多小朋友還真是熱鬧,到對岸才見到肯氏南洋杉 Araucaria cunninghamii生育地的解說牌,只是周邊高聳的大樹不易區分,只能見到解說牌旁邊幾株大樹可以確定是肯氏南洋杉 Araucaria cunninghamii,遠處的森林就不易區分,不故,至少見到生育地算是不錯。

  隨後我們就轉進Bilboroughs Lookout再補拍景觀畫面,前幾天啥都沒見到,這回真的是賺到,當然順便再補拍Hydrocotyle pedicellosaLinospadix monostachyos,到是路旁不少Plectranthus ciliatus 開花株族群。

  一直對棕櫚科Linospadix monostachyos想要好好的拍,可惜光源都不好,找不到好畫面,回台日期已近,只好隨便補幾張畫面。隨後Canyon Lookout晃晃,原以為是還要走一段道路,沒想到就在路旁,乾脆到對面的咖啡廳喝下午茶,比較實在點。


Australia Travel web

  1. Mount Coot-tha, Queensland
    1. Brisbane
    2. The Redcliffe Botanic Gardens
    3. Springbrook National Park
    4. Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
    5. Glass House Mountains
    6. Tamborine rainforest skywalk
    7. Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mount Coot-tha
    8. Tamborine rainforest skywalk
    9. Brisbane Lookout at scenic Mt. Coot-tha
    10. 布里斯本旅遊

Australia Plant Web

  1. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Australian Govment;Flora of Australia
  2. Australian Plant Name Index - APNI;https://www.anbg.gov.au/apni/
  3. The Atlas of Living Australia
  4. Flora of Australia Online
  5. Australian Native Plants Society
  6. Australian Native Plants
  7. The mangrove genus Avicennia Avicenniaceae in Australia
  8. Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 6
  9. Mangrove Watch in Australia
  10. Australian Plant Name Index - APNI
  11. Gardening Australia
  12. Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia
  13. New South Wales Flora Online
  14. The Western Australian Flora
  15. World Wild Wattle
  16. Flora of Queensland
  17. Flora of Brisbane
  18. Flora of Australia by state or territory
  19. The Gymnosperm Database
  20. Conifers from all around the world
  21. Land Theme Report in Australia
  22. List of Banksia species
  23. Tropical Garden Society of Sydney
  24. Australian National Botanic Gardens
  25. Noosa's Native Plants
  26. Flowering Plant Families in Australia

  1. George, Alexander S. 1989 Flora of Australia, Volume 3, Hamamelidales to Casuarinales Australia Government Publishing Service
  2. Gibson, Neil and J. B. Kirkpatrick 1985 A comparison of the cushion plant communities of New Zealand and Tasmania New Zealand Journal of Botany 23 549-566
  3. Orchard, Anthony E. 1995 Flora of Australia Volume 16, Elaeagnaceae, Proteaceae 1. Melbourne Australian Nature Conservation Agency
  4. Orchard, Anthony E. 1996 Flora of Australia Volume 28, Gentianales. Melbourne CSIRO Australia
  5. George, Alexander S. &Rosemary W. Purdie 1987 Flora of Australia Volume 45 Hydatellaceae to Liliaceae Commonwealth Government

Australia Travel web

  1. Mount Coot-tha, Queensland
    1. Brisbane
    2. The Redcliffe Botanic Gardens
    3. Springbrook National Park
    4. Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
    5. Glass House Mountains
    6. Tamborine rainforest skywalk
    7. Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mount Coot-tha
    8. Tamborine rainforest skywalk
    9. Brisbane Lookout at scenic Mt. Coot-tha
    10. 布里斯本旅遊

