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山茶科 Theaceae


山茶屬 山茶属 Camellia

山茶亚属 Camellia Subg. Camellia

山茶组 Camellia sect. Camellia

离蕊茶组 Camellia sect. Heterogenea

油茶组 Camellia sect. Paracamellia

实果茶组 Camellia sect. Stereocarpus

瘤果茶组 Camellia sect. Tuberculatae

茶亚属 Camellia Subg. Thea

古茶组 Camellia sect. Archecamellia

毛蕊茶组 Camellia sect. Camelliopsis

短蕊茶组 Camellia sect. Corallinae

长梗茶组 Camellia sect. Longipedicellatae

茶组 Camellia sect. Thea

连蕊茶组 Camellia sect. Theopsis

Theaceae Reference

  1. Bartholomew, Bruce and Ming Tienlu 2005 New Combinations in Chinese Polyspora (Theaceae) NOVON 15: 264–266.
  2. Bloembergen, S. 1952. A critical study in the complex-polymorphous genus Schima (Theaceae) Reinwardtia 2 (1):133-183
  3. Kamei, Aimi, Junko Miyamoto, Herwint Simbolon and Eizi Suzuk 2015 Genetic differentiation in Schima (Theaceae) in West Java, Indonesia, and Amami Islands, Japan TROPICS 24 (2) 47-55
  4. Kobuski, C. E. 1941 Studies in the Theaceae, VII. The American species of the genus Cleyera Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 22:395-416
  5. Keng, Hsuan 1950 The Theaceae of Taiwan Taiwania 1: 223-268
  6. Keng, Hsuan 1972 Two new Theaceous plants from Malaysia and a proposal to reduce Tutcheria to a synonym of Pyrenaria Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 26: 127 - 135
  7. Keng, Hsuan 1973 Nomenclatural Notes on Wu P’I Ch’a or the Black-barked Tea Plant Taiwania 18(1): 55-56
  8. Keng, Hsuan 1994 Flora Malesianae Precursores - LVIII, Part Four The Genus Schima (Theaceae) in Malesia Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 46 (1) 77 - 88
  9. Lee, Shih-Lin and Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang 2019 Camellia chinmeii, a new species of Camellia sect. Paracamellia in Taiwan Taiwania 64(3): 321-325
  10. Li, Jian-Hua, Peter Del Tredici, ShiXiong Yang, Michael J. Donoghue 2002 Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Stewartia (Camellioideae, Theaceae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal DNA its sequences Rhodora 104 (918): 117-133
  11. Li, Mi-Mi, Jian-Hua Li, Peter Del Tredici, Jeffrey Corajod and Cheng-Xing Fu 2013 Phylogenetics and biogeography of Theaceae based on sequences of plastid genes Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (4): 396-404
  12. Nakai, Takenoshin 1918 Notulæ ad Plantas Japoniæ et Koreæ XVIII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32 (382): 215-232
  13. Prince, Linda M. and Clifford R. Parks 2001 Phylogenetic relationships of Theaceae inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence data American Journal of Botany 88(12):2309-2320
  14. Prince, Linda M. 2007 A brief nomenclatural review of genera and Tribes in Theaceae Aliso 24 105-121
  15. Shi, Xiang-Gang, Qiong-Yao Fu, Jian-Hua Jin & Cheng Quan 2017 Mummified Oligocene fruits of Schima (Theaceae) and their systematic and biogeographic implications Scientific Reports 7 (1) 4009
  16. Spongberg, Stephen A. 1974 A Review of Deciduous-Leaved Species of Stewartia (Theaceae) Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 55 (2): 182-214
  17. Spongberg, Stephen A. and Alfred J. Fordham 1975 Stewartias-Small Trees and Shrubs for All Seasons Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 35 (4): 165-180
  18. Tsou, Chih-Hua 1997 Embryology of the Theaceae - anther and ovule development of Camellia, Franklinia, and Schima American Journal of Botany 84(3) 369-381
  19. Tsou, Chih-Hua 1998 Early floral development of Camellioideae (Theaceae) American Journal of Botany 85(11):1531-1547
  20. Yang, Shi-Xiong, Xun Gong, Hua Peng and Zheng-Yi Wu 2000 A cytotaxonomic study on the genus Pyrenaria complex (Theaceae) Caryologia 53(3-4) 245-253
  21. Yang, Shi-Xiong 2005 New Combinations and Synonyms in Chinese Pyrenaria s.l. (Theaceae) Novon 15(2) 379-382

  1. 中井猛之進 1940 日華両国産ツバキ族植物の新分類法(其一) / A New Classification of the Sino-Japanese Genera and Species which belong to the tribe Camellieae (I) 植物研究雑誌 16 (11): 659–667
  2. 中井猛之進1940 日華両国産ツバキ族植物の新分類法(其二) A New Classification of the Sino-Japanese Genera and Species which belong to the tribe Camellieae (II) 植物研究雑誌 16(12): 691–708
  3. 叶创兴 1990 大头茶族的范围及族内属的界限 广西植物 10 (2): 99-103
  4. 韦仲新 1997 山茶科花粉超微结构及其系统学意义 云南植物研究 19(2) 143-153
  5. 闵天禄 1997 云南山茶科新种和新变种 云南植物研究 19(3) 221-223
  6. 陆露,王红,韦仲新 2005 山柳科和堇菜科八个种的花粉形态—兼谈第伦桃亚纲六个科及省沽油科的系统关系 云南植物研究 27(3) 269-278
  7. 杨世雄 闵天禄 1995 山茶科核果茶属石笔木属拟核果茶属的分类学位置 云南植物研究 17(2) 1-3
  8. 杨世雄 2005 国产大头茶属的分类处理 热带亚热带植物学报 13(4) 363-365

Camellia Reference

  1. Gu, Zhijian, Lifang Xia, Lishan Xie, Katsuhiko Kondo 1988 Report on the chromosome numbers of some species of Camellia in China Acta Bot.Yunn. 10(3): 291-296
  2. Nagamasu, H. Note on a Camellia species, Sect. Thea, of Doi Chang, North Thailand Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 38: 210
  3. Shen, Jin-Bo, Hong-Fei LÜ, Qiu-Fa Peng, Ju-Fang Zheng, Yu-Mei Tian 2008 FTIR spectra of Camellia sect. Oleifera, sect. Paracamellia, and sect. Camellia (Theaceae) with reference to their taxonomic significance Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46 (2):194-204
  4. Su, M. H., S. Z. Yang, & C. F. Hsieh 2004 The identify of Cammellia buisanensis Sasaki (Theaceae) Taiwania 49(3): 201-208
  5. Su, Mong-Huai, Chih-Hua Tsou and Chang-Fu Hsieh 2007 Morphological Comparisons of Taiwan Native Wild Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze forma formosensis Kitamura) and Two Closely Related Taxa Using Numerical Methods Taiwania 52(1): 70-83
  6. Su, Mong-Huai, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Chih-Hua Tsou, Jenn-Che Wang 2008 Camellia kissi Wallich (Theaceae): A newly recorded tree from Taiwan Taiwan. J. For. Sci. 23(4): 301-307
  7. Su, Mong-Huai , Chang-Fu Hsieh, and Chih-Hua Tsou 2009 The confirmation of Camellia formosensis (Theaceae) as an independent species based on DNA sequence analyses Botanical Studies 50:477-485
  8. Su, Mong-Huai, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Jenn-Che Wang, and Chih-Hua Tsou 2012 A taxonomic study of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora (Theaceae) based on phenetic analyses Bot. Stud. 53(2) 275-272
  9. Vijayan, Kunjupillai and Chih-Hua Tsou 2008 Technical report on the molecular phylogeny of Camellia with nrITS: the need for high quality DNA and PCR amplification with Pfu-DNA polymerase Bot. Stud. 49 177-188
  10. Wei, Xiao, Hong-Lin Cao, Yun-Sheng Jiang, Wan-Hui Ye, Xue-Jun Ge and Feng Li 2008 Population genetic structure of Camellia nitidissima (Theaceae) and conservation implications Botanical Studies 49: 147-153.
  11. Yang, Sheng-Zehn, Ho-Ming Chang, Chien-Fan Chen and Mong-Huai Su 2011 Camellia trichoclada (Rehder) S. S. Chien (Theaceae):A Newly Recorded Shrub in Taiwan Taiwan J. For. Sci. 26(3): 287-293

  1. 王任翔,胡长华,梁倩华,赵瑞峰,梁盛业 1997 金花茶组植物花粉扫描电镜研究(一) 广西植物 17(3) 242-245
  2. 王湘南,陈永忠,蒋丽娟,刘志玲,彭邵锋,王瑞,马力,杨小胡 2010 油茶优良无性系花粉形态结构的扫描电镜观测 中南林业科技大学学报 30(5); 69-71
  3. 田敏、李纪元、倪穗、范正琪、李辛雷 2008 基于ITS序列的红山茶组植物系统发育关系的研究 园艺学报 35(11):1685-1688
  4. 李广清,孙立,刘燕 2005 山茶属连蕊茶组6种植物花粉形态特征研究 热带亚热带植物学报 13(1):40-44
  5. 周炎花,姚明哲,陈亮,孙威江 2009 茶树遗传演化研究进展及SSR在茶树遗传演化研究中的应用前景 中国农学通报 25(15): 9-15
  6. 林秀艳、彭秋发、吕洪飞、杜跃强、汤妣颖 2008 山茶属油茶组和短柱茶组叶解剖特征及其分类学意义 植物分类学报, 46(2): 183-193
  7. 闵天禄、张文驹 1993 山茶属古茶组和金花茶组的分类学问题 云南植物研究 15(1) 1-15
  8. 闵天禄、钟业聪 1993 山茶属瘤果茶组植物的订正 云南植物研究 15(2) 123-130
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  12. 敖成齐、陈功锡、张宏达 2002 山茶属的叶表皮形态及其分类学意义 云南植物研究 24(1):68-74
  13. 冯国楣、谢立山 1980 海南岛茶属的一个新种 云南植物研究 2(4) 424-426
  14. 张文驹、闵天禄 1995 山茶属古茶组植物的细胞学研究 云南植物研究 17(1) 48-54
  15. 张文驹,闵天禄 1998 山茶属山茶组的细胞地理学研究 云南植物研究 20(3): 321-328
  16. 张文驹、闵天禄 1999 山茶属的细胞地理学研究 云南植物研究 21(2):184-196
  17. 张宏达,曾范安 1982 山茶属一新组—小黄花茶组 中山大学学报(自然科学版) 21(3): 74-75.
  18. 张宏达 1996 山茶科的系统发育诠析:Ⅰ.金花茶组与古茶组的比较分析 中山大学学报:自然科学版 35(1): 77-83
  19. 叶仓兴 1988 山茶属的分群及它们亲缘关系的探讨 植物研究 10(1): 61-67
  20. 刘建林、孟秀祥、罗强、李晓江、袁颖、杨红 2007 珍稀濒危植物,中国山茶属(山茶科)一新变种 植物研究 27(5): 513-514
  21. 原寬 1940 米國腊葉室便リ (其五) 植物研究雑誌 16 (5) 255-263
  22. 孙佩光,奚如春,钟燕梅,李文锋,骈瑞琪,陈晓阳 2012 广宁红花油茶花器官发生 华南农业大学学报自然科学版 33(4):507-512
  23. 杨俊波、李洪涛、杨世雄、李德铢、杨莹燕 2006 四个DNA 片段在山茶属分子系统学研究中的应用 云南植物研究 28(2) 108-114
  24. 顾志建,孙先凤 1997 山茶属17个种的核形态学研究 云南植物研究 19(2): 159-170
  25. 邓白罗、谭晓风、漆龙霖、贺晶、胡芳名 2006 山茶属红山茶组植物的 RAPD 分析及分类研究 林业科学 42(5) 36-41
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  28. 鄢东海、张道贵、陈正武、周富裕、李祥明、林蒙嘉 2005 山茶属植物花粉粒生殖细胞形态研究 中國農學通報 21(1) 97-99