母草屬 Lindernia
- Lindernia;All. Mélanges Philos. Math. Soc. Roy. Turin 3: 178 T.5-1 1762;
- Illustration T.5-1;
- Lindernia;Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 3: 78 1792;
- Illustration T. 522;
- Lindernia;L., Mant. Pl. 2: 252 1771;
- Lindernia;G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 551. 1838;
- Lindernia;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 418 1846;
- Lindernia;Wettstein, Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4, 3B: 79 1891;
- Lindernia;Yamaz. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 171 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Lindernia;Li, Quart. Journ. Taiwan Museum 14: 2. 1961
- Lindernia;Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 1-72. 1968.
- Ilysanthes;Rafin. Ann. Nat. 13. 1820;
- Ilysanthes;Wettstein, Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4, 3B: 80 1891;
- Ilysanthes;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 418 1846;
- Ilysanthes;Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2: 955 1876;
- Vandellia;Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 3: 78 1792;
- Illustration T. 522;
- Vandellia;L., Mant. Pl. 2: 12 1771;
- Vandellia;G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 547 1838;
- Vandellia;Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 412. 1846;
- Vandellia;Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. 2: 955. 1876;
- Vandellia;Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 279. 1884;
- Vandellia;Yamaz. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 172. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
长果组 Sect. Angustifoliae
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 141页 PDF >> 长果组 Sect. Angustifoliae;
- Lindernia Sect. Angustifoliae Hara;Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 19: 205. 1943;原寬 1943 あぜたうがらし及ピナずめのたうがらし属/Lindernia and its allied genera in Japan 植物研究雑誌 19: 203-209
- Lindernia Sect. Siliquosae;G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 549 1838 p.p.
- Lindernia Sect. Ellobum;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 416 1846 p.p.;
- Lindernia Sect. Vanc1ellia;Wettstein, Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4, 3B: 79 1891 p.p.;
- Lindernia Sect. Angustifoliae Hara;Yamaz. Journ. Jap. Bot. 30: 175. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Lindernia Sect. Angustifoliae Hara;Yamaz. Journ. Jap. Bot. 52: 255 1955;山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- Lindernia Sect. Angustifoliae Hara;Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 45. 1968.
Lindernia angustifolia
- Lindernia angustifolia (Benth.) Wettst. is a synonym of Lindernia micrantha D. Don;
- Lindernia angustifolia (Benth.) Wettst.;Wettstein, Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4, 3B: 79 1891;
- Vandellia angustifolia Benth.;Benth., Scroph. Ind. 37 1835;
- Lindernia micrantha D. Don;Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 85 1825.
- Vandellia angustifolia Benth.;Yamaz. Journ. Jap. Bot. 30: 175. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Lindernia angustifolia (Benth.) Wettst.;Li, Quart. Journ. Taiwan Museum 14: 8. 1961
- Lindernia angustifolia (Benth.) Wettst.;Yamaz. Journ. Jap. Bot. 52: 255 1955;山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 141页 PDF >> 狭叶母草 Lindernia angustifolia;
- FOC Vol. 18 Page 35;19. Lindernia micrantha D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 85. 1825.;狭叶母草;
定經草 Lindernia anagallis
- 定經草 Lindernia anagallis (Burm. f.) Pennell
- Lindernia cordifolia (Colsm.) Merr. → Lindernia anagallis (Burm. f.) Pennell
- Vandellia anagallis (Burm. f.) Yamazaki → Lindernia anagallis (Burm. f.) Pennell
- Vandellia cordifolia (Colsm.) G. Don → Lindernia anagallis (Burm. f.) Pennell
泥花草组 Sect. Bonnaya
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 144页 PDF >> 泥花草组 Sect. Bonnaya;
- Bonnaya brachiata Link & Otto;Link & Otto, Icon. Pl. Select. 25 T. 11 1824;
- Illustration T. 11;
- Bonnaya;Link & Otto, Icon. Pl. Select. 25, T. 11. 1824;
- Illustration T. 11;
- Bonnaya;Benth. Scroph. Ind. 32. 1835.;
- Bonnaya;G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 537 1838;
- Bonnaya;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 420 1846;
- Bonnaya;Wight, Icon. 4: Pl. 1411,1422 1850;
- Bonnaya;Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2: 956 1876;
- Bonnaya;Grant, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 29: 121 T.122-A,B 1875;
- Gratiola;Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 2: 15,29,41 Pl. 154,155,179 1820;
- Bonnaya;Hook., Fl. Brit. Ind. [J. D. Hooker] 4: 284 1885;
- Ilysanthes sect. Bonnaya (Link et Otto) Urban;Urban Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 2: 435. 1884.;
- Lindernia Sect. Bonnaya (Link et Otto) Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 51. 1968.
- Bonnaya brachiata Link & Otto is a synonym of Lindernia ciliata (Colsm.) Pennell;
泥花草 Lindernia antipoda
- 泥花草 Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston
- Bonnaya brachiata auct. non Link & Otto → Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston
- Ilysanthes antipoda (L.) Merr. → Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston
- Vandellia antipoda (L.) Yamazaki → Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston
- Vandellia anagallis (Burm. f.) Yamazaki var. verbenifolia (Colsm.) Yamazaki →
- Vandellia verbenifolia Haines → unresolved
水丁黃 Lindernia ciliata
- 水丁黃 Lindernia ciliata (Colsm.) Pennell
- Bonnaya aristato-serrate Hayata → Bonnaya aristatoserrata Hayata unresolved
- Ilysanthes aristato-serrate Hayata →
- Ilysanthes serrata (Roxb.) Urban → Lindernia ciliata (Colsm.) Pennell
- Vandellia ciliata (Colsm.) Yamazaki → Lindernia ciliata (Colsm.) Pennell
旱田草 Lindernia ruellioides
- 旱田草 Lindernia ruellioides (Colsm.) Pennell
薄葉見風紅 Lindernia tenuifolia
- 薄葉見風紅 Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston
- Bonnaya tenuifolia (Vahl) Spreng. → unresolved
- Ilysanthes tenuifolia (Vahl) Urb. → Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston
- Vandellia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Haines → Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition;Vandellia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Haines;
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston;Liu, Flora of Taiwan, second edition 4: 608. 1998. (Fl. Taiwan 2nd edit., 台灣植物誌第二版)
- Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston is an accepted name;
- Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston;Alston, Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6: 214 (1931).;
- Gratiola tenuifolia Colsm.;Prodr. Descr. Gratiol. 8 1793.
- Gratiola tenuifolia Colsm.;Vahl, Enum. Pl. [Vahl] 1: 96 1804;
- Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 112 2012.;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Ilysanthes tenuifolia (Vahl) Urb.; Mori, Short Fl. Formos. 191. 1936
- Ilysanthes tenuifolia (Colsm.) Urb. is a synonym of Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston;
- Ilysanthes tenuifolia Urb., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 2: 435 (1884).;
- Vandellia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Haines; Yamazaki, Journal of Japanese Botany 30: 175. 1955. (J. Jpn. Bot., 植物硏究雑誌)
- Bonnaya tenuifolia (Vahl) Spreng.; Matsum. & Hayata, Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum 281. 1906. (Enum. Pl. Formos., ) ;
- Bonnaya tenuifolia Spreng. is an unresolved name;
- Bonnaya tenuifolia Spreng., Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 42 (1824).;
- Lindernia viatica auct. non (Kerr ex Barnett) Philcox: Yamazaki, Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. Section III, Botany 13: 53. 1981. (J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot., 東京帝國大學理學部紀要, 第三類, 植物學)
- Bonnaya tenuifolia (Colsm.) Spreng. ヒメクチバシグサ 標準;
- Vandellia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Haines;
- Lindernia tenuifolia (Colsm.) Alston;
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 144页 PDF >> 细叶母草 Lindernia tenuifolia;
尖果组 Sect. Brachycarpae
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 150页 PDF >> 尖果组 Sect. Brachycarpae;
- Lindernia Sect. Brachycarpae (Benth.) Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 50. 1968
- Bonnaya Sect. Brachycarpae Benth.;Benth., Scroph. Ind. 34. 1835;
尖果母草 Lindernia hyssopoides
- 尖果母草 Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition
- 誤判;無
- Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines is an accepted name;
- Lindernia hyssopoides (L.) Haines;Bot. Bihar Orissa 4: 635 1922.;
- Gratiola hyssopioides L., Mant. Pl. Altera 174 1771;
- Gratiola hyssopioides L.;Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 2: 16 T. 128;
- Illustration T. 128;
陌上菜组 Sect. Lindernia
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 131页 PDF >> 陌上菜组 Sect. Lindernia;
- Lindernia Sect. Lindernia Kew Bull. 22: 27. 1968.
- Lindernia Sect. Lindernia;T.Yamaz. in J. J. B. 52: 254 (1977);山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- Lindernia Sect. Veræ;G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 551. 1838;
- Vandellia sect. Ilyogeton (Endl.) Benth.;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 415 1846;
- Vandellia sect. Lindernia (All.) Benth.;Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2: 955 1876;
- Lindernia sect. Verae (G. Don.) Hara, Journ. Jap. Bot. 19: 204. 1943;原寬 1943 あぜたうがらし及ピナずめのたうがらし属/Lindernia and its allied genera in Japan 植物研究雑誌 19: 203-209
陌上草 Lindernia procumbens
- 陌上草 Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás → Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox
- Vandellia erecta Benth. → Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition;Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox;
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition;Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás;
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás;Li, Flora of Taiwan 4: 571. 1978. (Fl. Taiwan, 台灣植物誌)
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás is a synonym of Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox;
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox, Taxon 14(1): 30 (1965).
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás;Békés Vámegye 80 1881.
- Anagalloides procumbens Krock., Fl. Siles. (Krocker) 2: 398 Pl.26 (1790). Google Book
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 98 2012;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox;Philcox, Kew Bull. 22(1): 29, 24 f.5-5-8 1968
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox;T.Yamaz. in J. Jap. Bot. 52: 254 (1977);山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox;Eb.Fisch. et al. in Willdenowia 43: 226 (2013)
- Vandellia erecta Benth.;Matsum. & Hayata, (Enum. Pl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 22:280 (1906);
- Vandellia erecta Benth. is a synonym of Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox;
- Vandellia erecta Benth., Scroph. Ind. 36. (1835).;
- Lindernia pyxidaria L.;Li, Q. J. Taiwan Mus. 14: 2. 1961.
- Lindernia pyxidaria L.;T.Yamaz. in J. Jap. Bot. 30: 171 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Lindernia pyxidaria L.;Mant. Pl. 2: 252 1771;
- Lindernia pyxidaria All.;All., Mélanges Philos. Math. Soc. Roy. Turin 3: 178 T. 5 f.1 1766.;
- Illustration T. 5 f.1;
- Lindernia pyxidaria All. is an unresolved name;
- Lindernia pyxidaria All.;Mori, Short Fl. Form. (Masamune) 191 1936;
- Lindernia pyxidaria All.;Li, Q. J. Taiwan Mus. 3: 65. 1950.
- Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox アゼナ 標準;
- Lindernia pyxidaria L.;
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 131页 PDF >> 陌上菜 Lindernia procumbens;
- FOC Vol. 18 Page 32;7. Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Borbas, Bekes Vamegye Fl. 80. 1881.;陌上菜;
- Lindernia procumbens - efloraofindia - Google Sites;
宽叶母草组 Sect. Nummularia
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 125页 PDF >> 宽叶母草组 Sect. Nummularia (Benth.) Philcox;
- Lindernia Sect. Nummularia (Benth.) Philcox Kew Bull. 22: 10. 1968
- Vandellia sect. Nummularia Benth.;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 416 1846;
寬葉母草 Lindernia nummulariifolia
- 寬葉母草 Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettst.
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettst.;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 106. fig. 2. 2012.;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. is an accepted name;
- Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst., Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4(3b): 79 (1891).;
- Vandellia nummularifolia D.Don;Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 86 1825.;
- Vandellia nummularifolia D.Don;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 416 1846;
- Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst.;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 106 f.2 2012.;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 126页 PDF >> 宽叶母草 Lindernia nummularifolia;
- FOC Vol. 18 Page 31;1. Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettstein in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3b): 79. 1895.;宽叶母草;
刺毛组 Sect. Setulosae
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 135页 PDF >> 刺毛组 Sect. Setulosae;
- Lindernia Sect. Setulosae (Yamaz.) Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 31. 1968.
- Vandellia sect. Tittmannia;Yamaz. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 173. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Vandellia Ser. Setulosae Yamaz. J. Jap. Bot. 30: 174. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Lindernia Subg. Tittmannia Yamaz.;T.Yamaz., J. Jap. Bot. 52 254;山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- Tittmannia, Rchb.;Rchb.f., Iconogr. Bot. Exot. 1: 27 T.38 1824;Google Book
- Vandellia Sect. Tittmannia Benth.;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 413 1846;
台南見風紅 Lindernia scutellariiformis
- 台南見風紅 Lindernia scutellariiformis Yamazaki → Lindernia scutellariiformis T. Yamaz.
- Vandellia scutelliiformis (Yamazaki) Yamazaki → Vandellia scutellariiformis (T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz.
刺毛見風紅 Lindernia setulosa
- 刺毛見風紅 Vandellia setulosa (Maxim.) T. Yamaz.
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Vandellia setulosa (Maxim.) T. Yamaz.;Hsu, Chiang & Chiang, TW J. of Biodivers. 21(4): 191. 2019;許再文,蔣鎮宇,江友中 2019 臺灣新紀錄種母草科見風紅屬植物—刺毛見風紅 台灣生物多樣性研 21 (4): 189-194
- Vandellia setulosa (Maxim.) T. Yamaz. is a synonym of Lindernia setulosa (Maxim.) Tuyama ex H. Hara;
- Vandellia setulosa (Maxim.) T.Yamaz., J. Jap. Bot. 30 174 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Lindernia setulosa (Maxim.) Tuyama ex Hara;Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 19: 207 1943;原寬 1943 あぜたうがらし及ピナずめのたうがらし属/Lindernia and its allied genera in Japan 植物研究雑誌 19: 203-209
- Torenia setulosa Maxim.;Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 31(1): 72 1887;Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg 31: 72 1886;
- Lindernia setulosa (Maxim.) Tuyama ex Hara;T.Yamaz., J. Jap. Bot. 52 255;山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- Vandellia setulosa (Maxim.) T.Yamaz. シソバウリクサ 標準;
- Lindernia setulosa (Maxim.) Tuyama ex H.Hara;
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 136页 PDF >> 刺毛母草 Lindernia setulosa;
- FOC Vol. 18 Page 34;15. Lindernia setulosa (Maximowicz) Tuyama ex H. Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 19: 207. 1943.;刺毛母草;
短果组 Sect. Tittmannia
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 132页 PDF >> 短果组 Sect. Tittmannia;
- Lindernia Sect. Tittmannia (Rchb.) Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 33. 1968
- Vandellia sect. Tittmannia(Rchb.) Benth.;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 413 1846;
見風紅 Lindernia pusilla
- 見風紅 Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Boldingh
- Vandellia scabra Benth. → unresolved
- Lindernia stellarifolia Hayata → Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.
- Vandellia hirta (Cham. & Schlecht.) Yamazaki → Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition;Vandellia hirta (Cham. & Schlecht.) Yamazaki;
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Boldingh;Mori, Short Fl. Formos. 191. 1936
- Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold. is an accepted name;
- Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.;Bold., Zakfl. Java 165 (1916).
- Gratiola pusilla Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 1(1): 105 (1797).;
- Gratiola pusilla Willd. is an unresolved name;
- Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 108 2012.;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Lindernia pusilla (Thunb.) Merr.;Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. Bot. 11C: 312 1916;
- Lindernia stellariifolia Hayata;Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 77 1920;
- Lindernia stellariifolia Hayata is a synonym of Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.;
- Vandellia hirta (Cham. & Schlecht.) Yamazaki;Yamazaki, J. Jpn. Bot. 30: 174. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Torenia hirta Cham. & Schltdl., Linnaea 2(4): 571 (1827).;
- Torenia hirta Cham. & Schltdl. is a synonym of Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.;
- Vandellia scabra Benth.;Henry, List Pl. Formos. 68 1896;
- Vandellia scabra Benth. is an unresolved name;
- Vandellia scabra Benth., Scroph. Ind. 36. (1835).;
- Vandelllia pusilla (Willd.) Merr. タイワンアゼナ 標準;
- Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Bold.;
- Vandellia pusilla Merr. is an unresolved name;
- Vandellia pusilla Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 246 (1912).;
- Lindernia pusilla (Thunb.) Merr.;Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 11C: 312 1916;
- Selago pusilla Thunb., Prodr. Pl. Cap. 2: 99 (1800);
- Vandellia pusilla Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 246 (1912).;
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 133页 PDF >> 细茎母草 Lindernia pusilla;
- FOC Vol. 18 Page 33;9. Lindernia pusilla (Willdenow) Boldingh, Zakfl. Java. 165. 1916.;细茎母草;
屏東見風紅 Lindernia viscosa
- 屏東見風紅 Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Boldingh
- Vandellia hirsuta Hamilt. ex Benth. → Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr.
- Vandellia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr. → Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr.
- Vandellia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr.;台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition;
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Bold.;台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition;
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Boldingh;Mori, Short Fl. Formos. 191. 1936
- Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr. is an accepted name;
- Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr., Sp. Blancoan. 14 (1918), nom. illeg.;
- Gratiola viscosa Hornem., Enum. Pl. Hort. Hafn. Suppl. [1807] 19 (1807).
- Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr.;Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 3: 439 1923;
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Boldingh;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 109 2012.;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Bold.;Bold., Zakfl. Java 165 (1916).
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Bold.;Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 19: 207, 1943;原寬 1943 あぜたうがらし及ピナずめのたうがらし属/Lindernia and its allied genera in Japan 植物研究雑誌 19: 203-209
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Bold.;Yamazaki, J. Jap. Bot. 52: 254. 1977;山崎敬 1977 日本・台湾のアゼトウガラシ属/Lindernia in Japan and Taiwan 植物研究雑誌 52: 253-256
- Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Bold.;Yamazaki, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, sect. 3, Bot. 13: 14. 1981;
- Vandellia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr.; Yamazaki, J. Jpn. Bot. 30: 173. 1955;Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Vandellia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 246 (1912).;
- Lindernia cruciformis Hayata;Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 78 1920;
- Lindernia cruciformis Hayata is an unresolved name;
- Vandellia hirsuta Hamilt. ex Benth.;Henry, List Pl. Formos. 67 1896;
- Vandellia hirsuta Hamilt. ex Benth.;Matsum. & Hayata, (Enum. Pl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 22:279 (1906);
- Vandellia hirsuta Benth. is a synonym of Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr.;
- Vandellia hirsuta Benth.;Scroph. Ind. 36. (1835).;
- Lindernia cruciformis Hayata;Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 78 1920;
- Lindernia cruciformis Hayata is an unresolved name;
- Lindernia mollis auct. non (Benth.) Wettst.: Li, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 3: 65. 1950
- Vandellia mollis auct. non Benth.: Li, Flora of Taiwan 4: 605. 1978. (Fl. Taiwan, 台灣植物誌)
- Vandellia viscosa (Hornem.) Merr. ケウリクサ 標準;
- Lindernia viscosa (Hornem.) Bold.;
- Lindernia glandulifera (Blume) Backer;
- 《中国植物志》 第67(2)卷 (1979) >> 133页 PDF >> 粘毛母草 Lindernia viscosa;
- FOC Vol. 18 Page 33;10. Lindernia viscosa (Hornemann) Boldingh, Zakfl. Java. 165. 1916.;粘毛母草;
母草组 Sect. Torenioides
- Lindernia Sect. Torenioides (Benth.) Pennell;Philcox, Kew Bull. 22: 1 1968
- Lindernia Sect. Torenioides (Benth.) Pennell;Pennell, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Monogr. 1: 1935;Google Book
- Vandellia sect. Hornemannia (Link. et Otto) Benth.;Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 413 1846;
- Lindernia sect. Hornemannia (Link. et Otto) Wettst.;Wettstein, Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4, 3B: 80 1891;
- Hornemannia;Link & Otto, Icon. Pl. Select. 9 T.3 1824;
- Illustration T.3;
藍豬耳 Lindernia crustacea
- 藍豬耳 Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell.
- Vandellia crustacea (L.) Benth. → Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell.
美洲母草 Lindernia dubia
- 美洲母草 Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell
擬櫻草 Lindernia anagallidea
- 擬櫻草 Lindernia anagallidea (Michx.) Pennell → Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell var. anagallidea (Michx.) Cooperr.
- Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell var. anagallidea (Michx.) Cooperrider → Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell var. anagallidea (Michx.) Cooperr.
金門母草 Lindernia kinmenensis
- 金門母草 Lindernia kinmenensis Y. S. Liang, C. H. Chen, & C. L. Tasi
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia kinmenensis Y. S. Liang, C. H. Chen, & J. L. Tsai;Y. S. Liang, C. H. Chen, & J. L. Tsai, Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 435. fig. 1 & 2. 2011. (Nor. J. Bot.)
- Lindernia kinmenensis Y.S.Liang, Chih H.Chen & J.L.Tsai is an unresolved name;
見風黃 Lindernia mollis
- 見風黃 Lindernia mollis (Benth.) Wettst.
- Lindernia cruciformis Hayata → unresolved/Lindernia viscosa (Hormem.) Boldingh
- Vandellia mollis Benth. → Lindernia mollis (Benth.) Wettst.
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition;Vandellia mollis Benth.;
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- 誤判;無
- Lindernia mollis (Benth.) Wettst. is an accepted name;
- Lindernia mollis Wettst.;Wettstein, Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 4, 3B: 73 1891;
圓葉母草 Lindernia rotundifolia
- 圓葉母草 Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Alston
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Alston;Liang, Chen & Wang, Taiwan J. For. Sci. 27(1): 99. fig. 1. 2012;Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Alston is an accepted name;
- Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Alston, Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6(suppl.): 214 (1931).;
- Gratiola rotundifolia L., Mant. Pl. Altera 174 (1771).;
擬泥花草 Lindernia vitacea
- 擬泥花草 Lindernia vitacea (Kerr ex Barnett) Philcox → Lindernia viatica (Kerr ex Barnett) Philcox
- Ilysanthes viatica Kerr ex Barnett → unresolved
- 誤判;無
- Lindernia viatica (Kerr ex Barnett) Philcox is an unresolved name;
- Lindernia viatica (Kerr ex Barnett) Philcox;Taxon 19: 649 1970;Philcox, D. 1970 New Combinations in Asiatic Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae) Taxon 19: 649
- Ilysanthes viatica Kerr ex Barnett;Kew Bull. 16: 489 1963;Barnett, E. C. 1963 Contributions to the Flora of Thailand: LVI: Descriptions of New Species from Dr. Kerr's Manuscript Kew Bull. 16: 485-490
Linderniaceae Reference
- Office of the Gene Technology Regulator 2006 The Biology and Ecology of Torenia (Torenia X hybrida) in Australia
- Fischer, Eberhard, Bastian Schäferhoff and Kai Müller 2013 The phylogeny of Linderniaceae — The new genus Linderniella, and new combinations within Bonnaya, Craterostigma, Lindernia, Micranthemum, Torenia and Vandellia Willdenowia 43(2): 209-238
- Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin and Kuoh-Chieng Yang. 2002 Revision of Torenia L. (Scrophulariaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 47(4). 281-289
- Liang, Yi-Shuo, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2012 Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 27(1) 95-116
- Liang, Yi-Shuo & Jenn-Che Wang 2014 A systematic study of Bonnaya section Bonnaya (Linderniaceae) Australian Systematic Botany 27(3): 180-198
- Ou, Chern-hsiung 1987 Contributtons to the dicotyledonous plants of Taiwan (X) Bullitin Exper. for NCHU 8 11-30
- Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 3 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (6): 171-180
- Yamazaki, Takasi 1955 Notes on Lindernia, Vandellia, Torenia and their allied genera in Eastern Asia 4 J. Jap. Bot. 30 (12): 359-364
- Yoshino, Namiko, Guang-Xi Wang, Akira Uchino and Tohru Tominaga 2011 Hybridizations and genetic relationships among Lindernia species (Scrophulariaceae): L. procumbens and two subspecies of L. dubia Aquatic Botany 94(4): 165-171