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Part I

Hansen, Carlo, The genus Phyllagathis (Melastomataceae) : characteristics, delimitation : the species in Indo-China and China.
Cellinese, Nicoletta;Revision of the Genus Phyllagathis (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae) II. The Species in Borneo and Natuna Island

Part II

Part III

  1. Cellinese, Nicoletta 2002 Revision on the genus Phyllagathis (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae) I. The species in Burma, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra BLUMEA 47: 463-492
  2. Cellinese, Nicoletta 2003 Revision of the Genus Phyllagathis (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae) II. The Species in Borneo and Natuna Island BLUMEA 48: 69 – 97
  1. Lin, Che-Wei, Chien‐Fan Chen, T. Yang 2017 Ten new species of Phyllagathis (Trib. Sonerileae, Melastomataceae ) from Sarawak, Borneo Phytotaxa 302(3): 201-228