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Part I

Part II

Part III

  1. 原寛 1963 イソツツジ小記 植物研究雑誌 38: 31-32
  • Harmaja, Harri 1991 Taxonomic notes on Rhododendron subsection Ledum (Ledum, Ericaceae), with a key to its species Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28: 171-173
  1. Harmaja, Harri 1998 Rhododendron diversipilosum, comb. nov. (Ericaceae) Ann. Bot Fennici 35: 263–264.
  1. Hart, Andrew, Kathleen Kron & Emily Gillespie 2017 Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the north-temperate Labrador Teas (Ericaceae: Rhododendron Subsect. Ledum) suggests a complex genetic history Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 11: 53-65
  • Kron, K. A. & W. S. Judd 1990 Phylogenetic relationships within the Rhodoreae (Ericaceae) with specific comments on the placement of Ledum Syst. Bot. 15: 57–68.
  1. Kron, Kathleen A. 1997 Phylogenetic relationships of Rhododendroideae (Ericaceae) Amer. J. Bot. 84: 973-980