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Part I

Giger, Emil;Linnaea borealis L., eine monographische Studie.
Illustriertes Gartenbau-Lexikon. Unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachmänner aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, 1882 – Illustrated horticulture, etc.
Koch, Karl Heinrich Emil, Wochenschrift für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde/Wochenschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königlich Preussischen Staaten für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde.
Retzia sive Observationes Botanicae, quas in Primis in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi Mensibus Februario ad Juliaum 1855 Fecit J. K. Hasskarl. Pugillus Primus. Batavia [Jakarta]
Bamber, Charles James, Plants of the Punjab : a descriptive key to the flora of the Punjab, North-west Frontier Province, and Kashmir
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio, Ioannis Antonii Scopoli ... Flora Carniolica : exhibens plantas Carnioliae indigenas et distributas in classes, genera, species, varietates, ordine Linnaeano
Farmer, John Bretland;On the development of the endocarp in Sambucus nigra
Ferguson, Ian Keith;The genera of Caprifoliaceae in the southeastern United States
Ferguson, Ian Keith;The genera of Valerianaceae and Dipsacaceae in the southeastern United States
Graebner, P.;Die Gattung Linnaea (einschlielslich Abelia)
Hooker, J. D, and Thomson, T.;Praeeursores ad Floram Indicam; Nat. Ord. Caprifoliaceae

Part II

  • Nakai, (Tent. Caprif. Jap.), J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 42: 75. (1921).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/7139710#page/579/mode/1up
  • Hara, H. 1983. A revision of Caprifoliaceae of Japan with reference to allied plants in other districts and the Adoxaceae. Ginkgoana 5:141-145.
  • Dan H. Nicolson, Hiroshi Hara A Revision of Caprifoliaceae of Japan with Reference to Allied Plants in Other Districts and the Adoxaceae.

Part III

  1. Landrein, Sven and Gerhard Prenner 2013 Unequal Twins? Inflorescence Evolution in the Twinflower Tribe Linnaeeae (Caprifoliaceae s.l.) International Journal of Plant Sciences 174: 200-233
  • Landrein, Sven and Aljos Farjon 2019 A monograph of Caprifoliaceae: Linnaeeae Kew Bull. 74,4:1-197
  1. Donoghue, Michael J., Charles D. Bell and Richard C. Winkworth 2003 The evolution of reproductive characters in Dipsacales International Journal of Plant Sciences 164 (Suppl. 5): S453-S464
  1. Wilkinson , Antoinette Miele 1948 Floral anatomny and morphology of some species of the tribes Linnaeeae and Sambuceae of the Caprifoliaceae Amer. J. Bot 35:365−371