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Ebenaceae reference

  1. Ajaib, Muhammad and Zaheer-Ud-Din Khan 2012 Cocculus laurifolius, Ficus natalensis subsp. leprieurii and Diospyros montana: New record to the Flora of Pakistan Biologia (Pakistan) 58 (1&2): 79-84
  2. Hatusima, Sumihiko 1937 Coniribufiones ad Dendrologiam Nipponia Australis (III) J. Jap. Bot. 13 (9): 674-683
  3. Hatusima, Sumihiko 1938 Coniribufiones ad Dendrologiam Nipponia Australis (IV) J. Jap. Bot. 14: 236-244
  4. Hatusima, Sumihiko 1951 New and noteworthy plants from southern Japan and the adjacent districts (2) J. Jap. Bot. 26 (12): 371-376
  5. Knapp, Sandra and Michael George Gilbert 2002 (1548) Proposal to Conserve the Name Diospyros discolor against Cavanillea philippensis (Ebenaceae) Taxon 51(3):579-580
  6. Kostermans, A.J.G.H. (1977). Notes on Asiatic, Pacific, and Australian Diospyros Blumea 23(2), 449–474
  7. Lu, Sheng-You, Yuen-Po Yang 1988 A revision of the Ebenaceae of Taiwan Bull. Taiwan For. Res. 3(2) 131-140
  8. Nakai, Takenoshin 1921 Notulæ ad Plantas Japoniæ et Coreæ XXIV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35 (416): 131-138
  9. Ng, Francis S. P. 2001 New Species, Varieties and Reductions in Diospyros (Ebenaceae) in Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia including Peninsular Thailand Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 53 291-313
  10. Rindyastuti, Ridesti, Lia Hapsari, Anjar Tri Wibowo 2021 Analysis of morphological characteristics and phenetic relationship of ebony (Diospyros spp.) in Indonesia BIODIVERSITAS 22 (7): 2739-2754
  11. Tang, Donglan, Qinglin Zhang, Liqing Xu, Dayong Guo and Zhengrong Luo 2019 Number of Species and Geographical Distribution of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) in China Horticultural Plant Journal 5 (2): 59-69
  12. Wallnöfer, B. 2001 The Biology and Systematics of Ebenaceae: a Review Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 103 B: 485-512
  13. Yamazaki, Takasi 1974 Gamopetalous plants in Far Eastern Asiatic regions and Micronesia (2): Ebenaceae J. Jap. Bot. 49 (8): 241-249

  1. 北村四郎 1946 植物分類新知見 植物学雑誌 59: 35-41
  2. 李树刚 1983 中国柿科植物志资料 广西植物 3 (4):285-290.
  3. 呂勝由,楊遠波 1988 台灣柿樹科之訂正 台灣省林業試驗所研究報告季刊 3(2): 131-140
  4. 謝東佑,倪正柱,簡慶德,嚴新富 2002 台灣柿樹科之訂正 興大園藝 27 (2): 1-21