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Iridaceae Reference

  1. Akhter, Chesfeeda, Anzar A. Khuroo, Akhtar H. Malik, G. H. Dar 2012 A taxonomic appraisal of genus Iris L. in Kashmir Himalaya, India Iran. J. Bot. 19 (2): 119-126
  2. Goldblatt, Peter and David J. Mabberley 2005 Belamcanda Included in Iris, and the New Combination I. domestica (Iridaceae: Irideae) Novon 15(1) :128-132
  3. Gyeltshen, Phub, Dipankar Borah and A. P. Das 2019 Sisyrinchium rosulatum E. P. Bicknell (Iridaceae): new record of a naturalized species in Bhutan Pleione 13(1): 188 - 191
  4. Inácio, Camila Dellanhese, Olivier Chauveau, Tatiana T. Souza-Chies, Hervé Sauquet and Lilian Eggers 2017 An updated phylogeny and infrageneric classification of the genus Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae): Challenges of molecular and morphological evidence TAXON 66 (6): 1317–1348
  5. Shin, Hye Woo, Myoung Jun Kim, Nam Sook Lee 2016 First report of a newly naturalized Sisyrinchium micranthum and a taxonomic revision of Sisyrinchium rosulatum in Korea Korean J. Pl. Taxon 46(3): 295-300.
  6. Tacuatiá, Luana Olinda, Lilian Eggers, Eliane Kaltchuk-Santos and Tatiana T. Souza-Chies 2012 Population genetic structure of Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. (Iridaceae) in Itapuã State Park, Southern Brazil Genetics and Molecular Biology 35 1: 99-105
  7. Ward, Daniel B. 2014 Types of E. P. Bicknell's Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) Phytoneuron 57: 1–12

  1. 大井次三郎 1934 タイワンシヤガ 植物分類,地理 3 (2) 114-115
  2. 山口裕文 1986 帰化雑草ニワゼキショウ属植物について 植物分類・地理 37(4〜6) 143
  3. 余小芳、张海琴、何雪梅、谢全、周永红 2010 鸢尾属 12 种(变种)植物花粉形态及其系统学意义 园艺学报 37(7) 1175-1182
  4. 沈云光,王仲朗,管开云 2007 国产13种鸢尾属植物的核型研究 植物分类学报 45(5): 601–618
  5. 杨瑞林 2002 射干马蔺的花粉形态 广西植物 22(3): 237-238