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Melanthiaceae Reference

  1. Hayata, B. 1906 Contributions to the Flora of Mt. Morrison Bot. Mag.(Tokyo) 20 (231): 52-56
  2. Hsu, Tsai-Wen , Yoshiko Kono, Tzen-Yuh Chiang, and Ching-I Peng, 2011 Ypsilandra (Melanthiaceae; Liliaceae sensu lato), a new generic record for Taiwan Bot. Stud. 52: 99-104.
  3. Huang, Tseng-Chieng and Kouh-Cheng Yang 1988 Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (1) - The Daiswa (Trilliaceae) of Taiwan Taiwania 33 121-125
  4. Huang, Tseng-Chieng, Shing-Fan Huang, Kuoh-Cheng Yanf 1989 Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (3)--- The miscellaneous plants Taiwania 34(1) 45-53 / Epithema brunonis var. fasciculataTheligonum formosanumRotala wallichiiEdsmanthus virgatus and Paris fargesii var. brevipetalata
  5. Ji, Yunheng, Peter W. Fritsch, Heng Li, Tiaojiang Xiao and Zhekun Zhou 2006 Phylogeny and classification of Paris (Melanthiaceae) inferred from DNA sequence data Annals of Botany 98 (1): 245–256
  6. Madhu, K. C., Sussana Phoboo and Pramod Kumar Jha 2010 Ecological study of Paris polyphylla Sm. Ecoprint 17: 87-93
  7. Makino, T. 1910 Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p.130.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 (282): 137-147
  8. Sharma, Amit and Bharat Parashar 2017 Trillium govanianum: A Boon to Medicinal World Der Pharma Chemica 9 (14):14-30
  9. Takahashi, Masamichi 1984 Pollen morphology in Paris and its related genera Bot. Mag. Tokyo 97: 233-245
  10. Yeşil, Yeter and Neriman Özhatay 2014 Morphological, anatomical and karyological investigations on the genus Paris in Turkey Biological Diversity and Conservation 7 (2): 57-69
  11. Ying, Shao-shun 1989 Miscellaneous notes on flora of Taiwan (10) J. Jpn. Bot. 64 (5): 148-156

  1. 大井次三郎 1934 邦産ユキザサ属の種類 植物分類,地理 3(3): 121-127
  2. 尹鸿翔、张浩、薛丹 2007 四川重楼属(延龄草科)一新变种——峨眉重楼 植物分类学报 45(6): 822–827
  3. 王丽、李云飞、唐荣华、顾志建 2004 18-26S rDNA 在4种重楼属植物中的定位 植物分类学报 42(5) 419-426
  4. 李运昌,李景秀 1995 重楼属植物的繁殖特性 生物多样性研究进展
  5. 纪运恒、周浙昆、李恒 2007 重楼属的四个新异名 植物分类学报 45(3) 388–390
  6. 张金渝、虞泓、张时刚、丁长春 2004 多叶重楼遗传多样性的 RAPD 分析 生物多样性 12(5) 517-522