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10 叶下面密被褐色丛卷毛或脉上被横展毛。

11 花梗被短柔毛;子房被稀疏短柔毛。 贴生白粉藤 Cissus adnata Roxb.

10 叶下面或中脉两侧或多或少被丁字长柔毛;子房无毛。

12 叶片下面中脉两侧或多或少被丁字长柔毛;花瓣无毛。 苦郎藤 Cissus assamica (Laws.) Craib

1. Cissus adnata Roxb. 紅毛粉藤

Large ligneous climber. Young shoots clothed with a rust-colored pubescence. Leaves round-cordate, nearly smooth above, acuminate, 5-15 cm long, 4-13 cm wide; stipules orbicular-ovate, adnate, with gibbose center and scariose margins. Cymes opposite to leaves, on villous peduncles, as long as petioles. Flowers numerous, small, usually drooping. Berry succulent, smooth, black; seeds usually solitary or 2 in each berry, ovoid, the lower end beaked. East India, Indo-China; Malaysia to the Philippine Islands. Taiwan, found in the southern part and on Is. Lanyu. PINGTUNG: Lu & Ou 7884. TAITUNG: Is. Lanyu, Sasaki s. n. 1926.

This is a new addition to the flora of Taiwan proper but not for Lanyu, from where it was reported by Hatusima in 1970.

It has been frequently misidentified as Cissus repens Lam. But it can be readily distinguished from it by its rust-colored pubescence on young shoots and by its bristle-serrate leaves.

Flora of India

五葉粉藤 Cissus elongata Roxb.

