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Yapp, Richard Henry;Fruit-dispersal in Adenostemma viscosum. a biological study

Orchard, A. E.;A review of Australian Adenostemma J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae)
King, R. M. & Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae) CXXVII. Additions to the American and Pacific Adenostemmatinae: Adenostemma, Gymnocoronis, and Sciadocephala

  • Koyama, H. 2001 Adenostemma lavenia and its allies (Compositae) in Japan, China and Thailand. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 37: 159–168
  • Koyama, H. 2002 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 14. Tribe Eupatorieae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Ser. B. 28: 49–60