討論:Glochidion triandrum


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算盘子组 Sect. Glochidion

9.裏白算盤子(植物分類學報)裏白饅頭果(臺灣植物志) Glochidion triandrum (Blanco) C. B. Rob.

灌木或小喬木,高3-7米;小枝具棱,被褐色短柔毛。葉片紙質或膜質,長橢圓形或披針形,長4-13釐米,寬2-4.5釐米,頂端漸尖、急尖或、鈍,基部寬楔形或鈍,兩側略不對稱,上面綠色,幼時僅中脈上被疏短柔毛,後變無毛,下麵帶蒼白色,被白色短柔毛;中脈和側脈上面稍凸起,下面凸起,側脈每邊5-7條;葉柄長2-4毫米,被疏短柔毛;托葉卵狀三角形,長1-1.5毫米,被褐色短柔毛。花5-6朵簇生於葉腋內,雌花生於小枝上部,雄花生在下部;雄花:花梗長6-7毫米,纖細,基部具有小苞片,小苞片卵狀三角形,長約1毫米;萼片6,2輪,倒卵形,長2毫米,外面被短柔毛;雄蕊3,合生;雌花:幾無花梗;萼片與雄花的相似,長約1.5毫米,內凹;子房卵狀,4-5室,被短柔毛,花柱合生呈圓柱狀,頂端膨大。蒴果扁球狀,直徑5-7毫米,高約4毫米,有8-10條縱溝,被疏柔毛,頂端常有宿存的花柱,基部萼片宿存;果梗長5-6毫米;種子三角形,長約3毫米,褐紅色,有光澤。花期3-7月,果期7-12月。 產于福建、臺灣、湖南、廣東、廣西、四川、貴州和雲南等省區,生於海拔500-2600米山地疏林中或山谷、溪旁灌木叢中。分佈于印度、尼泊爾、錫金、柬埔寨、日本和菲律賓等。模式標本采自菲律賓。

1. Glochidion acuminatum Muell. -Arg. 裏白饅頭果

A small tree up to 5 m high, or perhapes higher; branchlet sericeous-pubescent or strigose. Leaves green to dark green above, glabrous or near so, whitish or grayish beneath, covered with white pubescence, oblong-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 3.5-12 cm long, 1.5-4 cm broad, lateral veins 5-9 on each side; obtuse or acute at apex, acute or cuneate, more or less oblique at base; petiole 2-3 mm long, strigose; stipules triangular or lanceolate. Flowers in axillary clusters, 5-10 flowers per cluster; calyx-lobes 5-6, densely pubescent, unequal, biseriate. Staminate flowers: sepals spreading, yellow; stamens 3 (rarely 4), filaments connate into a column; pedicels 5-7 mm long. Pistillate flowers: style cylindrical, 0.5-1 mm long, 3-lobed at summit; ovary of 3-4 hirsute carpels; pedicels shorter, 1-2 mm long; Capsules depressed-globose, 5-7 mm across, pubescent, distinctly 3-4 lobed, pedicels up to 5 mm long. Seeds red, hemispheroid.

Japan, the Ryukyus, China and India. Taiwan, throughout the island, at low and medium altitudes.

TAIPEI: Hsintien, Deng 409; Wulai, Deng 191. ILAN: Yuanshan, Lu 15557. NANTOU: Hsuishe, Deng 511; Sun-moon Lake, Deng 182. KAOHSIUNG: Shanpin, Chang 5257. PINGTUNG: Tungyuan, Chang 2536.
