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Wilson, Peter G. and Ross Rowe;A revision of the Indigofereae (Fabaceae) in Australia. 2. Indigofera species with trifoliolate and alternately pinnate leaves
Labat, Jean-Noel & Du Puy, David J.;New species, a new name, and lectotypification in Indigofera L. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) from Madagascar
Teixeira, Simone P. & Corrêa, Vani Maria Alves;Morfoanatomia do envoltório seminal de espécies brasileiras de Indigofera L. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae)
  1. Prain & Baker, J. Bot. 40: 60-67 1902;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/109460#page/71/mode/1up
  2. Prain & Baker, J. Bot. 40: 136-144 1902;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/109460#page/172/mode/1up
Prain, David & Edmund Baker;NOTES ON INDIGOFERA.

  1. Mattapha, Sawai & Pranom Chantaranothai 2012 The Genus Indigofera L. (Leguminosae) in Thailand Tropical Natural History 12(2): 207-244
  2. Matsumura, J. 1902 A Conspectus of the Leguminosæ found growing wild, or cultivated in Japan, Loochoo and Formosa Bot. Mag. Tokyo 16 (181): 61-86
  3. Kort, I. de and G. Thijsse 1984 A revision of the genus Indigofera (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) in Southeast Asia Blumea 30(1): 132