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Alejandro, Grecebio Jonathan D., Ulrich Meve and Sigrid Liede-Schumann;A TAXONOMIC REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MUSSAENDA (RUBIACEAE, MUSSAENDEAE)'
Jayaweera, Don M A;Mussaenda in Philippines
Jayaweera, Don M A;The Rubiaceous Genus Mussaenda: the Species of India and Ceylon
Jayaweera, Don M A;The Rubiaceous genus Mussaenda: The morphology of the Asiatic species. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 44: 111–126.
Jayaweera, Don M A;The Rubiaceous genus Mussaenda: The species of the Philippine Islands. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 45: 101–139.
