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Part I

Zabel, Gärten - H.;Die strauchigen Spiräen der deutschen
Businsky, Roman;Review of Chinese Spiraea (Rosaceae, Spiraeoideae) with Simple Inflorescences
Sax, Karl;Polyploidy and Geographic Distribution in Spiraea
Harris, J Arthur;On the distribution of abnormalities in the inflorescence of Spiraea vanhouttei
Wyman, Donald;The Best Ornamental Spireas
Léveillé, Hector;Contributions à la Flore de la Mayenne
Léveillé, Hector;Supplément à la flore de la Mayenne [1 and 2]
SCHNEIDER, Camillo Karl;UEBERSICHT über die spontanen Arten und Formen der Gattung SPIRÆA (Euspiraa)
中井猛之進;いぶきしもつけ(Spiraea nervosa Franch. & Sav.)ト二三ノ近似品ニツキテ
Baldwin, J. T.;Chromosomes of Spiraea and of certain other genera of Rosaceae
Webb, Jonathan E.;A Morphological Study of the Flower and Embryo of Spiraea
Zabel, Hermann;Die strauchigen Spiräen der deutschen Gärten

Part II

Part III
