A Taxonomic Study on Dioscorea of Taiwan - Dioscorea esculenta


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Chun Kuei Liao chunkuei.liao@gmail.com 2000/06

9. Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.)Burkill in Gard. Bull. Straits Settl. 1:396. 1917; Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenr. 87(4-43):189. 1924; Brown in Use. Pl. Philip. 392,f.155.156. 1941; Burkill in Fl. Malesiana ser.1.4:307. 1954; Liu, T. S. & T. C. Huang, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 3(2):139. 1962; Walker, Fl. Okinawa & South. Ryukyu Isl. 320. 1976; Edit. Comm., Fl. Hainanica 4:152. 1977; Liu, T. S. & T. C. Huang in Fl. Taiwan 5:105. 1978; Ting, C. T., M. C. Chang & P. P. Ling. in Fl. China 16(1): 78, f.22. 1985.

Dioscorea esculenta var. spinosa (Boxb. & Wall.) R. Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenr. 87(4-43):189. 1924; Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr. 10:180. 1938; Burkill in Fl. Malesiana ser.1. 4(3):308. 1951; Ting, C. T., M. C. Chang & P. P. Ling. in Fl. China 16(1): 80, f.22. 1985.

Dioscorea spinosa Roxb. & Wall. Cat. 5703.a.d.e. 1828, nom. nud.; Hooker f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:291. 1894; Burm., Fl. Malab. 5. 1759, nom. nud.; Matsumura & Hayata, Enum. Pl. 433. 1906; Kawakami, List Pl. Formos. 122. 1910; Sasaki, List. Pl. Formos. 114. 1928; Nemoto, Fl. Jap. Suppl. 1085. 1936.

Oncus esculentus Lour. Fl. Cochin. 194. 1790.


 A pricky, scandent vine from prernnial tuber; underground tuber ovate or globose with a long stolen, fasiculate, gray-brown or yellow-brown, usually bearing semispherical structure which raise a stolen and daughter tubers; stolens up to 10 cm long, 3 mm thick; flesh white or ivory; edible, never poisnous; aerial stems , ca. 1-5 mm thick, annual, sinstrose, brown T-shaped villose, dark-violet or green; with curved prickliy; aerial tuber never seen. Leaves alternat, oblate-caudated, cordiform or reniform, ca. 7-15 cm long, ca. 7.5-16 cm wide; round and mucronate at apex, cordate at base; with T-shaped villous on both surfaces; nerves 7-9; petioles green, semiteret, canaliculated above, twisted and dilated at both ends; with pulvinus which bearing 3-4 cuerved prickly; prickles ca. 1-3 mm long.

 Staminate and pistillate inflorescence unobserved.

 Cultivated species. The species mostly cultivate in south of Taiwan.


SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Taipei City: TFRI (cult.), T. C. Huang s.n. in 1960 (TAI 30885). Kaohsiung Hsien: Kotzuliao (cult.), C. K. Liao s.n. in 1998. Kaohsiung City: NSYSU (cult.), C. K. Liao s.n. in 1997. Pingtung Hsien: Kenting Park (cult.), T. T. Lin s.n. in 1999 (NSYSU). Taitung Hsien: Chihpen, S. Sasaki s.n. in 1934 (TAI 30886); Taniao (cult.), B. L. Shih s.n. in 1998 (NSYSU). Lanyu: Y. L. Chung 555 (PPI).
