- 豬殃殃屬 Galium
- 日前見到豬殃殃屬重新修訂,所以重新改編,目前暫用中國植物誌中文版的分類模式,比對台灣植物誌列舉的學名中國植物誌英文版的分類模式有看沒懂,目前僅增補中國植物誌英文版列舉學名,日後方便拍攝。
目錄 |
原拉拉藤組 Sect. Aparine
- 通常為一年生草本,常攀緣;莖粗糙,常具倒生的小刺。葉每輪6-8片,稀4-5片,相等,1脈,頂端具短尖頭,常萎軟狀。聚傘花序腋生或頂生,少至多花,稀減少為單花,生在通常長的總花梗上;花兩性,花冠輻狀。果被鉤毛或有小瘤狀凸起,稀無毛,果柄直立或弓形下彎。
拉拉藤 Galium aparine
豬殃殃 Galium spurium
- 豬殃殃 Galium spurium L. f. vaillantii (DC.) R. J. Moore → Galium spurium L.
- Galium aparine auct. non L.
- Galium spurium L. var. echinospermum (Wallr.) N. H. F. Desp. → Galium spurium L.
- Galium spurium L. → Galium spurium L.
短花拉拉藤組 Sect. Brachyantha
- 多年生草本;枝長,近水準地拱垂。葉通常小,1脈。聚傘花序腋生;花多數,綠黃色或黃色,兩性;花冠鐘狀;柱頭頭狀。
圓葉豬殃殃 Galium formosense
- 圓葉豬殃殃 Galium formosense Ohwi
- Galium rotundifolium auct. non L.
- 關山豬殃殃 Galium kwanzanense Ohwi → Galium formosense Ohwi
- Galium kwanzanense Ohwi;Ohwi, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 36: 56 (1934).;
Galium minutissimum
- Galium minutissimum T. Shimizu → Galium minutissimum T. Shimizu
- Galium minutissimum T. Shimizu;Shimizu Tatemi 1963 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan PART II Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University 12: 58
- Galium minutissimum T.Shimizu is an accepted name;
- Shimizu, Tatemi 1964 New Taxa Published in my Recent Works Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 21 (1-2): 25-28
- Galium minutissimum T.Shimizu セイスイムグラ (temp.) 標準;
- 《中国植物志》 第71(2)卷 (1999) >> 283页 PDF >> 微小拉拉藤 Galium minutissimum;
- FOC Vol. 19 Page 106, 107, 130, 131
南湖大山豬殃殃 Galium nankotaizanum
- 高山豬殃殃 Galium maborasense Masam. → Galium nankotaizanum Ohwi
台灣豬殃殃 Galium taiwanense
- 台灣豬殃殃 Galium taiwanense Masam.
- Galium trifidum Michx. var. pacificum auct. non Wiegand
山地豬殃殃 Galium takasagomontanum
- 山地豬殃殃 Galium takasagomontanum Masam.
聚傘拉拉藤組 Galium Sect. Cymogaliae
- 通常为多年生草本。叶每轮常4片,1-3脉,稀5脉。聚伞花序腋生或顶生,花序分枝常叉开,少至多花;花两性或单性,花冠辐状。果被钩毛,稀无毛。
Galium elegans
- Galium elegans Wall. ex Roxb.
- FOC Vol. 19 Page 105, 106, 109, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 135, 141
- Galium elegans - efloraofindia - Google Sites
- Galium elegans in Flora of Pakistan @;
林豬殃殃 Galium paradoxum Maxim.
- 林豬殃殃 Galium paradoxum Maxim. → Galium paradoxum Maxim.
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Galium paradoxum Maxim.;Hsieh & Chiang, Taiwania 55(2): 192. fig. 1 & 2. 2010
- Pseudogalium paradoxum (Maxim.) L.E Yang, Z.L.Nie & H.Sun;This species is accepted;
- Pseudogalium paradoxum (Maxim.) L.E Yang, Z.L.Nie & H.Sun, Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 126: 231 (2018).
- Galium paradoxum Maxim. is an accepted name;
- Galium paradoxum Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg xix. (1874) 281.;
- Galium paradoxum Maxim. ミヤマムグラ 広義;
- Galium paradoxum Maxim. subsp. franchetianum Ehrend. et Schönb.-Tem. ミヤマムグラ 標準;
- Galium stellariifolium Franch. & Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 392 (1878).;
- 《中国植物志》 第71(2)卷 (1999) >> 239页 PDF >> 林猪殃殃 Galium paradoxum;
- FOC Vol. 19 Page 106, 107, 132;39. Galium paradoxum Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 19: 281. 1874.;林猪殃殃;
少花拉拉藤組 Sect. Hylaea
- 一年生或多年生草本;葉每輪2-6片,通常4片,如4片,有時不相等,兩片較小,1脈;花單生,或組成腋生或頂生的聚傘花序,花序稀分枝,如分枝,最末分枝常具1-3花;花兩性,花冠輻狀;果被毛。
刺果豬殃殃 Galium echinocarpum Hayata
- 刺果豬殃殃 Galium echinocarpum Hayata → Galium echinocarpum Hayata
- 一年生或多年生草本,通常直立;葉每輪4-6片,通常6片;聚傘花序腋生或頂生,少花。
太魯閣豬殃殃 Galium tarokoense Hayata
- 太魯閣豬殃殃 Galium tarokoense Hayata → Galium tarokoense Hayata
- 一年生或多年生草本,通常矮小,匍匐或直立;葉每輪2-6片,通常4片,如4片,有時不相等,兩片較小;花單生,具梗或無梗,或組成短而少花的聚傘花序。
三脈拉拉藤組 Sect. Platygalium
琉球豬殃殃 Galium gracilens
- 琉球豬殃殃 Galium gracilens (A. Gray) Makino → Galium bungei Steud. var. trachyspermum (A. Gray) Cufod.
- Galium gracile auct. non Bunge
- Galium gracile f. rotundifolium Hayata → Galium bungei Steud.
- Galium kiirunense Masam., S. Suzuki & K. Mori → Galium bungei Steud.
- Galium lutchuense Nakai ex Kitag.
- Galium lutchuense Nakai → Galium bungei Steud.
- Galium musyaense Masam. → Galium bungei Steud.
福山氏豬殃殃 Galium fukuyamai
- 福山氏豬殃殃 Galium fukuyamai Masam.
- Galium fukuyamae Masam. → Galium bungei Steud.
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Galium fukuyamai Masam., Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 33: 621. 1943. (Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos., 台灣博物學會會報)
- Galium fukuyamae Masam. is a synonym of Galium bungei Steud.;
- Galium fukuyamae Masam. ノウコウムグラ 標準;;
- 《中国植物志》 第71(2)卷 (1999) >> 247页 PDF >> 四叶葎 Galium bungei;
森氏豬殃殃 Galium morii Hayata
- 森氏豬殃殃 Galium morii Hayata
- Galium brachypodium auct. non Maxim.
- Galium sigeyosii Masam. → Galium morii Hayata
粗拉拉藤组 Sect. Trachygalium
- 一年生或多年生草本;莖常柔弱。葉每輪4片,有時5-6片,1脈,頂端鈍圓或尖。聚傘花序腋生或頂生,常成圓錐花序狀,稠密或較疏散,少至多花;花兩性,花冠輻狀,4裂或3裂。果無毛或有小疣點、小鱗片狀毛、短鉤毛。
小葉四葉葎 Galium trifidum
- Galium trifidum L. var. pacificum auct. non Wiegand.
- 中國植物誌早期論述為粗拉拉藤组,三裂系,最近見到被歸入Galium Sect. Aparinoides (Jordan) Grenier,文獻未找到,暫併列。
- 中國植物誌英文版論述 Galium trifidum var. modestum (Diels) Cufod. → Galium innocuum Miq. ;台灣曾列舉過此學名,需再確認。
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
- Hayata, Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 9: 65. 1920. (Icon. Pl. Formos., 台灣植物圖譜)
- Galium trifidum L.;This species is accepted;
- Galium trifidum L. is an accepted name;
- Galium trifidum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 105 (1753).;
- Matsuda in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 20: 132. 1906;
- Galium trifidum L.Cufod.;Oesterr. Bot. Z. 89: 233 1940;Cufodontis, Georg 1940 Revision der chinesischen Galium-Arten, nebst Bemerkungen über einige ihrer Formenkreise Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 89 221-251
- Galium trifidum L. var. pacificum auct. non Wiegand.: Masam., A list of vascular plants of Taiwan 119. 1954. (List Vasc. Taiwan, 台灣植物目錄)
- Galium trifidum L. ホソバノヨツバムグラ 広義;
- Galium trifidum L. subsp. columbianum (Rydb.) Hultén ホソバノヨツバムグラ 標準;
- Galium trifidum L. subsp. trifidum イトヨツバムグラ 標準;
- 《中国植物志》 第71(2)卷 (1999) >> 252页 PDF >> 小叶猪殃殃 Galium trifidum;
- Ehrendorfer, Friedrich 2010 New and Critical Taxa of Rubia and Galium (Rubiaceae, Rubieae) for the Flora of China Novon 20(3):268-277
- Holm, Theo. 1907 Rubiaceae: Anatomical Studies of North American Representatives of Cephalanthus, Oldenlandia, Houstonia, Mitchella, Diodia, and Galium Botanical Gazette 43(3) 153-186
- Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin and Po-Yi Chiang 2010 Galium paradoxum Maxim. (Rubiaceae), a newly recorded plant in Taiwan Taiwania 55(2) 192-194
- Yang, T. Y. Aleck and Sung-po Li 1998 The Genus Galium L. (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. 11 101-117
- The Plant List
- Tropicos
- ZipcodeZoo, the free nature encyclopedia.
- 中央研究院植物標本館 台灣本土植物資料庫-植物名錄
- 臺灣大學植物標本館 - 臺灣植物電子書
- 臺灣林業試驗所 植物標本館
- 特有生物研究保育中心
- Digital Flora of Taiwan
- 台灣生物多樣性資訊入口網
- 兩岸生物多樣性名詞翻譯查詢編修系統
- 中国植物志
- Flora of China
- 《中国植物志》英文修订版
- FOC,Flora of China 北京镜像及中文翻译版
- 植物通--植物数据库
- 中国数字植物标本馆
- PPBC中国植物图像库
- BHL 中国节点
- 中国生物物种名录2013版
- Flora of North America
- Flora of Pakistan
- Botanical eBooks of Taiwan
- FloraBase - the Western Australian Flora
- The Families of Flowering Plants By L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Office of the Forest Herbarium Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation in Thai
- Australian Botany pages
- Parasitic Plant Connection - Balanophoraceae
- The Gymnosperm Database
- Geranium Taxonomic Information System
- Solanaceae Source
- University of Wisconsin-Madison | Botany Plant Growth Facilities
- Seeds of Wild Plants of Korea
- Hortus Botanicus Leiden
- Oaks of the world
- International Oak Society
- Useful Tropical Plants
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Web Link
- Digital Flora of Taiwan
- Herbarium, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei (HAST)
- Plants of Taiwan
- Herbarium of Taiwan Forest Research Institute
- Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (Taibif)
- ZipcodeZoo, the free nature encyclopedia.
- Catalogue of Life: 29th September 2017
- Faecal Analysis
- Flora of China
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- Flora of North America
- Species Plantarum Programme The World Flora
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- Botanical eBooks of Taiwan
- FloraBase - the Western Australian Flora
- Australian Botany pages
- The Families of Flowering Plants By L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- National Gardening Association
- Office of the Forest Herbarium Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation in Thai
- The Plant List
- Tropicos
- Parasitic Plant Connection - Balanophoraceae
- University of Wisconsin-Madison | Botany Plant Growth Facilities
- Seeds of Wild Plants of Korea
- Hortus Botanicus Leiden
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- The Gymnosperm Database
- The Jepson Herbarium University of California, Berkeley Jepson eFlora: Table of families and genera
- 植物和名ー学名インデックス YList
- Catalogue of Life, China : 2010 Annual Checklist : Search
- International Aroid Society
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- International Oak Society
- Welcome on Pl@ntUse / the wiki about useful plants and plant uses
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- Flora Himalaya Database
- The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL)
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